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Ali G

Post by Ali G » Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:17 pm




Post by jkbe35 » Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:18 pm

No vote Bush!!!!

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Post by chuck » Tue Nov 02, 2004 6:23 pm

VOTE William Jefferson Clinton

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Post by leighg » Tue Nov 02, 2004 7:31 pm

Chuck (Nov 02, 2004 01:23 p.m.):
VOTE William Jefferson Clinton
You know, I have to ditto this one! LOL I saw Clinton on that Diane Sawyer show the other night, I really miss him. He may have cheated on his wife, but they've sure got their act together now and he's such a suave man. He was a good president.




Post by baggo » Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:26 pm

Did the GOP smoke the Dems or not? At least we have a leader that will stay the corse and not change his mind and "flip-flop"! Talk about a landslide victory for the GOP!!!

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Post by webmaster » Wed Nov 03, 2004 11:00 pm

Hi there,

Actually there was no landslide... I saw the vote very divided, what you have is a country that is split almost perfectly 50-50 between two different approaches and world-views... I hope Republicans will respect and take this into account in their next 4 years. Actually when things end up so close one questions the validity of democracy, so suddenly 51% has more to say than the other 48%?

I'd be more for a split of the leadership period between the candidates based on their approval rate, say 51% of the 4 years for Bush (2 years and 3.6 days) and 48% of the 4 years for Kerry (1 year and 359 days) and 1% of the time for Nader (would only be 14 days)... wouldn't that be better? :-) Just kidding... or maybe not...



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Post by canucker » Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:11 am

I thought this was a "PV" Bulletin Board.

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Post by leighg » Thu Nov 04, 2004 3:34 pm

Canucker (Nov 03, 2004 10:11 p.m.):
I thought this was a "PV" Bulletin Board.
First, THIS is a "general ramblings" board, so we can ramble about anything here, right? Secondly, AMEN to you Mogens!! A landslide??? Not hardly. I honestly think we should have to have a president from both parties and they should have to work together. You cannot look at the last two elections in this country and say this country isn't divided. UGH!! I said a few weeks ago that if Bush won we were moving to PV...gotta start packing my bags. LOL Anybody got a guest room we can live in?? ;)

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USA Election

Post by webmaster » Thu Nov 04, 2004 5:05 pm

Hi there,

To Canucker: In general this board is the PV Board, but this is specifically an open section, people can talk of anything they like here, just in case someone wants to talk about something not related to Puerto Vallarta... so there is no crime in stating opinions here and in this case talk about democracy. Enjoy.

Chatted with my wife on the suject yesterday and we agreed that when things are so close, democracy is a bittersweet solution. I mean does 3% really justify jumping from one political vision to another? Sure, we all understand what a majority is, but when the general political views are very polarized 3% does not seem like reason enough to choose one or another. But anyway, that's how the system is and obviously we won't change it, but then again that isn't the objective of the conversation, rather just stating a shortcoming, in my view, of the democratic system in general.

Leigh you survived 4 years, can you survive 4 more? Why do you feel you need to move out? Or is it just an excuse for moving over to Vallarta?





Post by Charlieb » Thu Nov 04, 2004 7:59 pm

President Bush got approx 59 million more POPULAR votes that Sen Kerry. Since our country has approx what? 230 milion people?, the % of people voting for Pres Bush is much higher than those voting for Sen Kerry. This is much greater than 3% that Mogens is talking about. I think he is talking about the ELECTORIAL vote which is how our presient is legally elected, but does not represent the populace. President Bush is clearly a "President of the people" Chuck

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Post by webmaster » Thu Nov 04, 2004 8:42 pm

I may not be a US citizen, but numbers and votes do not confuse me. I think you have it completely wrong Chuck.

Please access ... president/

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the column called Votes is the actual number of votes that each candidate obtained

Sum: 115,404,687 votes

Based on the US Census Bureau stats, the US has a maximum voting population of a bit over 215 million.
Based on Voter Tournout for USA: , we can see until 2000 voter turnout has been around 100 million voters. So it is a fair guess that the voter turnout this time around was in fact 115 million, a good amount which means people are more involved in politics as of late.

In any case the data supports my understanding that only 51% voted for Bush and 48% for Kerry a difference of 3,530,575 votes or 3.05%.

Get your numbers straight Chuck :-) or tell me where you got your number of 59 million (!!) more votes for Bush.





Post by Charlieb » Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:30 pm

I would be happy to, Mogens. Ron Fournier, Associated Press writer wrote in in an article dated today: "President Bush claimed a re-election mandate Wednesday after a record 59 million Americans chose him over Democrat John Kerry and voted to expand Republican control of Congress as well." Maybe I read this wrong, Chuck

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Post by webmaster » Thu Nov 04, 2004 9:38 pm

Well, now we know what happened, you read wrong. What he is saying is that 59,2 million voted for Bush and what he isn't saying is that 55,7 million voted for Kerry. It does not mean that Bush obtained 59 million MORE votes!
Thanks for clarifying your mistake. So the issue still stands only a 3.05% difference, very very little.



Geaux Tigers


Post by Geaux Tigers » Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:30 am

baggo (Nov 03, 2004 05:26 p.m.):
Did the GOP smoke the Dems or not? At least we have a leader that will stay the corse and not change his mind and "flip-flop"! Talk about a landslide victory for the GOP!!!
Yep...they smoked em! Four more years of increased deficits....restriction of freedoms.....loss of United States Soldiers!

Glad you're so Proud of 'em"baggo"!

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Post by jjbcroft » Fri Nov 05, 2004 5:44 am

Ya know what? Why don't we take all that negative energy everyone is spending STILL bitching about how rotten everything is and is gonna be for the next 4 years and start with ourselves and our neighborhoods and start being nicer to people.
Don't cut people off in traffic, Make eye contact and smile at a stranger, Say good morning (afternoon, evening). Put a few bucks in the red buckets at store entrances this Christmas instead of a quarter and three pennies. Go to your church or place of worship and pray that our leaders will have the strength and courage to do what needs to be done.
And while you're at it, pray for all of the men and women in the Armed Forces who are risking their lives every day and of the many who have made the ultimate sacrafice so that you have the freedom to sit around your kitchen table or neighborhood bar and rant and rave about the leaders of our country. The next time you read about a hostage being beheaded, or a soldier who died in an ambush, stop for a minute and think about how terrifying their last moments on this earth must of been, and how no one deserves to die like that. What if it was your child/sibling/neighbor? It was a human being for God's sake! Take a moment to morn the loss of a life.
My only child is in the United States Air Force and I think about it every day. We need to pull together and support our troops and support our leaders. If we don't, it will just get worse and worse, And if you think you have the answers to the world's problems today, why didn't we see YOUR name on the ballots? It's easy to be the back seat driver. Not many people have the balls to grab hold of the steering wheel. Bush isn't perfect, and given the chance, Kerry would have proven he isn't perfect either. Not every decision is going to be the right one. We live and, hopefully learn from our mistakes. Let's all do our part. We think it's all up to the politicians and military leaders. Wrong. It's ALL of us. One person, one act of kindness at a time.

Ali G


Post by Ali G » Fri Nov 05, 2004 6:06 am

I find this very funny, listening to you Americans Yap! What have a started...Iam so even more proud now to be Canadian. There is this article i read on the internet saying that there are over 100 000 americans planning to move here to the GREAT WHITE NORTH to live and leave that God for saken country cause Bush won. I am not here to bash you guys but just a warning to those planning to come here, just wait till winter (Febuary) then you will be crawling back to Bush. God Save ....America! (YOU NEED IT)

-Ali G ...O Canada
12 Days till PVR

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Post by leighg » Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:00 pm

LMAO AH Mogens, how do you ever put up with us mere mortals?

And you know, you guys are right, we do need to stop bitching. It's just so overwhelming. And I DO do all those 'random acts of kindness' things mentioned. I have a list of senators and state reps I need to send letters to, but it feels so hopeless. How do we make the changes that need to be made in this country??? UGH UGH UGH!!! I look forward to the day Barak Obama is on the ticket, keep your eyes on that one.

Sincerest apologies from a hopeless liberal. And believe me, Bush and all WILL be in my prayers. He's got the job, now all I can do is pray he'll do a good one. (And I very much DO support our troops! God bless them all. We need to get them HOME.)

Mogens, you asked why I want to move to PV....LOL just an excuse, exactly. My dream, hubby will run a scuba tour excursion and I perfect the art of Margarita mixing....

Mogens (Nov 04, 2004 04:38 p.m.):
Well, now we know what happened, you read wrong. What he is saying is that 59,2 million voted for Bush and what he isn't saying is that 55,7 million voted for Kerry. It does not mean that Bush obtained 59 million MORE votes!
Thanks for clarifying your mistake. So the issue still stands only a 3.05% difference, very very little.





Post by jkbe35 » Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:27 pm

I am going to add my two cents here.

Did I votefor Bush, yes. Do I think that he is perfect, no. But he was reelected because the majority of Americans believe that he represents the best choice to lead this country and I was one of those people. It make me sick that there are people who call themselves Americans who act that unless their guy won, the election was stolen from them, they are disenchanted or that somethng illegal happened to take their vote away. Shut-up!

IF you consider youselve a true American you will vote on election day and if your guy looses, then you shut up about the election and you move on with your life. You have every right to complain about the decision of the government (believe me I do), but you go on. You go back to work, or to school or whatever your life has. The point is that this country has survived much over the last 200+ years and we will continue to survive as a nation.

To all those who think that Bush is the devil. What is it about the man that you hate? Is it that he is religious? IS it that he speaks his mind? Is it that he's not the best speak in the group? Or is it simply that you guy lost and he won?

To all those people who think that the U.S. needs to have friends in other countries and if we don't then that would somehow be a bad thing. We are the strongest country in the world. We have the strongest economy and yes the strongest military. Do not think for a minute that a country like Germany (one of our biggest critics), would let the US military pull out. They depend on us too much. Do you think that Vincente Fox, would really do anything that would jepordize his relationship with President Bush? No of course not. Do not listen to what these people say, you need to just look at the reality of the world. The rest of the world is nothing without a strong United States and every economist and political scientist will confirm this (by the way I teach political science at UC Riverside).

These are just my rants, I could be wrong.



Post by jkbe35 » Fri Nov 05, 2004 2:27 pm

I am going to add my two cents here.

Did I votefor Bush, yes. Do I think that he is perfect, no. But he was reelected because the majority of Americans believe that he represents the best choice to lead this country and I was one of those people. It make me sick that there are people who call themselves Americans who act that unless their guy won, the election was stolen from them, they are disenchanted or that somethng illegal happened to take their vote away. Shut-up!

IF you consider youselve a true American you will vote on election day and if your guy looses, then you shut up about the election and you move on with your life. You have every right to complain about the decision of the government (believe me I do), but you go on. You go back to work, or to school or whatever your life has. The point is that this country has survived much over the last 200+ years and we will continue to survive as a nation.

To all those who think that Bush is the devil. What is it about the man that you hate? Is it that he is religious? IS it that he speaks his mind? Is it that he's not the best speak in the group? Or is it simply that you guy lost and he won?

To all those people who think that the U.S. needs to have friends in other countries and if we don't then that would somehow be a bad thing. We are the strongest country in the world. We have the strongest economy and yes the strongest military. Do not think for a minute that a country like Germany (one of our biggest critics), would let the US military pull out. They depend on us too much. Do you think that Vincente Fox, would really do anything that would jepordize his relationship with President Bush? No of course not. Do not listen to what these people say, you need to just look at the reality of the world. The rest of the world is nothing without a strong United States and every economist and political scientist will confirm this (by the way I teach political science at UC Riverside).

These are just my rants, I could be wrong.



Post by hopey » Fri Nov 05, 2004 3:40 pm

I voted for Kerry and I live in Texas. The reason Bush won the election was not about his stand on the economy,terrorism,the war in Iraq or health care. The reason he was elected was the far right evangelicals went out and voted. It is frightening to me that we have to use "scare tactics" to get our man in. Kerry was not going to legalize gay marriages. He was not going to ban the bible as some propaganda in Ohio was being distributed.Do people really think we are going to freeeee the people in the middle east. Why do so many people still believe 911 was Sadam Hussain. President Bush should have let the weapons inspectors do their job. We would not have lost our soldiers for nothing.
