Best bars near Continental?!? NEED HELP!!!!! =}~

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Best bars near Continental?!? NEED HELP!!!!! =}~

Post by Erin90 » Sat Oct 13, 2001 3:47 pm

We are going to stay at the Continental Plaza on the 17th of oct. What are the 3 best CLOSEST bars and clubs arouond our hotel? Also at the end of the night how do we know how to get back to our hotel.....and not dropped off somewhere crazy. PLEASE REPLY!


Re:Best bars near Continental?!? NEED HELP!!!!! =}~

Post by luvpv » Sat Oct 13, 2001 9:41 pm

Erin, you need to realize that you are going to another country, with, possibly, a different language spoken. Use your head and don't let yourself get so bombed that you are worried if you will make it back to your hotel.Have fun, but be responsible! Lots of luck!


Re:Best bars near Continental?!? NEED HELP!!!!! =}~

Post by Jennybean » Sun Oct 21, 2001 6:04 am

Agree w/ luvpv - if you plan to get that bombed, you should stay and drink at your hotel.....when you're that drunk I wouldn't be so much worried about being taken out and abandoned somewhere, I would worry more about you stumbling into traffic and becoming a part of someone's bumper - pedestrians have NO right of way in PV, you take your chances crossing streets all the time....when you get there & see how they drive you will get my drift. I wouldn't dream of doing it so loaded I couldn't stand up, so my advice would be to not chance it.

Go out and have a great time, but do it responsibly. It's the same advice I give @ home too....if you're old enough to drink, you're old enough to be responsible for your own actions.....or responsible enough to be smart & take along an intelligent "babysitter" to make sure you get where you have to be at the end of the night.


Re:Best bars near Continental?!? NEED HELP!!!!! =}~

Post by bzy1 » Sun Oct 21, 2001 1:04 pm

I am not sure Erin was implaying they were going to get so drunk they couldn't find their way home. The post sounds more like she is unsure if there will be taxis avavilable and if they will drive them someplace other than the hotel.

So, Erin, taxis are around PB 24/7. At night, you'll see at least one or two outside every bar in PV. Taxis in PV are safe. Of course, don't wave around a wad of money, etc...normal procautions you'd take anywhere.

If you hear taxi horror stories, those are more likely to occur in MX City, where there's quite a few more millions of people. PV is very safe, but like stated, it's up to you to keep yourself out of bad situations.


Re:Best bars near Continental?!? NEED HELP!!!!! =}~

Post by Jennybean » Sun Oct 21, 2001 5:46 pm

To add to bzy1's post, agree on your taxi fare before you get in the disagreements that way.

And I do concur, PV is quite safe.....I've walked home at 3 in the morning from the clubs and never felt a moment's fear. But of course simple rules apply, just like at home - stay in the well lit busy areas (you will be surprised how many people are out and walking at 3 in the morning!), as bzy said don't wave money around or draw attention to yourself (ie become a target). Simple rules you follow at home when you go out apply in PV as well.

You are going to have a very good time, there are some great bars and clubs to go out and have fun in. (-:
