Just Curious - what are your thoughts on Tipping?

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Re:Just Curious - what are your thoughts on Tipping?

Post by sky_in_pv_1976 » Fri Aug 06, 2004 1:15 pm

I'm actually going with my Parents on the 28th - and my Dad is a tip-a-holic. He LOVES to tip!! He gave the bartenders $100 USD at the swim up bar the last time we were there!!

He tipped the guy who carried our baggage at the airport $20!!!

Waiters normally got $10 each. And the $100 at the swim up bar was all at once (at the end). He would regularly tip each day AT LEAST $20. He spent a lot of time at the SU bar - but it was like my dad was the only one there - they always made sure we were all taken care of.

My husband and I felt we didn't need to tip quite that much when we were with them. Made us look cheap though - we'd tip $2.00 after my dad would tip $20.00 :S

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Re:Just Curious - what are your thoughts on Tipping?

Post by matt » Sat Aug 07, 2004 3:21 am

Wow, your dad is a generous tipper ...ask him if he needs someone to carry his golf clubs while in PV :-)

I first invited my parents down to PV a few years ago. They really liked it and have been back two times since then. I'm now trying to motivate them to go down again this winter. I hope you and your family will enjoy yourselves during your upcomming vacation.


Re:Just Curious - what are your thoughts on Tipping?

Post by randi » Tue Aug 10, 2004 8:54 pm

I was wondering what a typical kind of tip would be as I'm going to an all inclusive and can't just say 15% of our bill as we won't have one! Say a typical bar tip and a typical supper tip?

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Re:Just Curious - what are your thoughts on Tipping?

Post by marcos » Tue Aug 10, 2004 9:45 pm

Wow, that's a tough one. Beers in PV are usually about $1.50 to $2.00. "Well drinks" (with local booze) are maybe $2.50 while fancier drinks with premium (ie. imported liquor) are more. I'm a beer drinker so I'm kinda guessing on the liquor prices. And, also, drinks in a hotel are usually more expensive than just getting one in a local place like CC's.

But if you and significant other have 4 beers and 2 mixed drinks, your bill would probably be about $12.00 to $15.00. I THINK. So I'd tip the bartender 20 pesos or so.

But remember that anything you tip at an AI place will be more than what most of the other guests tip.

The other "tip" I'd give you is get to know the bartender's name and address him by it. Ask him how he's doing every time when you sit down. He'll get to know you faster that way and, in combination with your tips (whatever they are), you'll get taken care of when the bar is busy.


Re:Just Curious - what are your thoughts on Tipping?

Post by Jason » Tue Aug 10, 2004 11:27 pm

I just got back from PV and loved it. I wished I had seen this before we left. The whole time we were wondering if we were tipping to much or not. when the service was good, we tipped good. and return visits reflected that because we were always treated good, I don't know if its because we tipped or it was their job.

I agree with tipping from your heart. people remember that, and if by some chance you do come back to the same placeI am sure you will get good service.
