Los Muertos beach Polluted?

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Post by charlieb » Mon Mar 17, 2008 8:55 pm

Ya know, jennybean, the only thing that exceeds your lack of tact and intelligence is you great ego. Chuck... 8)

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Post by Jennybean » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:06 pm

My tact and intelligence are just fine, thanks. You're just sore because it's your ego that's taken the shot across the bow here. :wink:

Nice diversionary tactic though...shall we get into the pesticides issue in Puget Sound for a while? How about the pollution of groundwaters by the cars in your area? See, I've done MY homework, chuckie...have you?

You want to impugn my intelligence you're going to have to come at me with more than a few ill-chosen personal slams and racist/homophobic rants. I didn't make this personal, that was your choice to lower the bar.

Mind you, you could always try going after the air ambulance or plastic surgery rants again...those were fun. But honestly, I'm done with this. Go clean up your own backyard, then feel free to potshot a place you claim to love. You would have more credibility that way.

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Post by charlieb » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:11 pm

Your paranoia is showing. Off your meds again, jenny? Chuck... 8)

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Post by Jennybean » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:20 pm

No dear, just used to your verbal abuse hurling at every PV based board on the 'net. It's not my paranoia showing, it's your alternics. One doesn't need a "black belt" in internet usage to figure your game out. :wink:

Not prepared to discuss the Puget Sound pesticide issue? 8)

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Post by charlieb » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:37 pm

A battle of witts with you, jenny, is like fighting with an unarmed opponent. Just no challlenge. Chuck... 8)

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Post by Jennybean » Mon Mar 17, 2008 9:54 pm

Admitting no knowledge on the pollution and pesticide levels in your own backyard then? Feigning ignorance on the myriad of environmental polluters that dump everything from raw sewage to copper into Puget Sound each year and have never been brought to task? Tsk, tsk.

I don't think I'm the unarmed one here, chuckie. The only lack of challenge I see here is that you built your strawman theories and arguments and are only now realizing they don't play, so you're choosing to gutter the conversation to abusive snark to deflect from the fact you're being hypocritical about water pollution.

You'll have to do better than that. :wink:

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Post by charlieb » Mon Mar 17, 2008 10:02 pm

Sorry, but you are just not worth it. Just take care and have a nice day. Chuck... 8)

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Post by winterpegman » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:10 am

I'm missing something here. How did we get from Charlie making a comment about sewage in summer, which as far as I know has been witnessed and photographed by quite a few people) to Puget Sound?

Does the fact that Puget Sound has environmental issues of its own make the sewage point in PV any less true? I think not...

Clearly you two get along as famously as JB and I do, but regardless, at least try to keep the "debate" (and I use the term extremely loosely) realistic?

JB, you really started this by calling Charlie "irresponsible" for posting his "old wives tale"...not exactly conducive to keeping things civil...no?

Charlie - Not sure why you DO continue with her? The end result is always the same... :roll:

Edit - "Civil" really isn't the correct word I'm looking for. "Amicable" is better.
Last edited by winterpegman on Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by chance » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:31 am

Where are the pictures of effluent running down the street . Web site please. I would like to see

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Pic Please

Post by chance » Tue Mar 18, 2008 12:39 am

Not being a sick pig making a statement of pic's lets see them proofs in the pics.

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Post by winterpegman » Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:47 am

Firstly, I don't personally have any pics of this. Secondly, I wouldn't post them, even if I did. This is a site to promote tourism, and PV in a general sense. Putting pictures of this would be contrary to why I'm here, and why this board is here. I believe Sylvia already posted some pics along this nature, as well as eyewitness accounts of the stink that went along with?

So, since I'm on the topic...of pics vs. not, etc. I'll ask why you didn't ask about further eyewitness reports instead of just pics?

I daresay that even providing pics would be subjective...in that unless there was a closeup in the pic of a floating "Oh Henry Bar"...it would be easy to dismiss the pics themselves as not really having "crap" in the water...yes/no?

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Post by Plus4 » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:52 am

[quote="winterpegman"]I'm missing something here. How did we get from Charlie making a comment about sewage in summer, which as far as I know has been witnessed and photographed by quite a few people) to Puget Sound?

and.. Quote: winterpegman

Firstly, I don't personally have any pics of this. Secondly, I wouldn't post them, even if I did. This is a site to promote tourism, and PV in a general sense. Putting pictures of this would be contrary to why I'm here, and why this board is here. I believe Sylvia already posted some pics along this nature, as well as eyewitness accounts of the stink that went along with


Just to clarify.. :)
The photos I posted on this thread were taken beginning of November..
The photos were taken beside Las Palmas Resort in the Hotel zone..
The water was emptying into the Ocean not running down a street.....

I have never been in PV in summer nor have I ever witnessed any crap flowing down the streets of PV ..
Charlieb is talking about sewage in summer..I know nada about this... :)
Thanks :)

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Post by winterpegman » Tue Mar 18, 2008 3:31 am

Yes..let's further clarify shall we?

What I said was -
I believe Sylvia already posted some pics along this nature
I didn't say "EXACTLY" this...I said "along this nature". Is that a misrepresentation? No.

viewtopic.php?t=13879&start=0 Here is a link to your pics Sylvia. Let me quote YOUR post...
I am not going by what I have read but what I have seen..
There is no way Bill or I will swim in the Ocean anywhere near PV.
If others choose to it is fine with me..
If it's just runoff...why would you care?

And -
When we asked the vendors what was happening they shugged and saidonce a week the sand parted and stinky crap ran into the Ocean.. The vendors told us that they would not walk in the water..
1. "Stinky crap" certainly doesn't HAVE to be sewage, but COULD be.

2. You're posting this and sounding like you're trying to disassociate yourself from your own comments. Seems to me the post right after yours (mine) took issue about the fact that you posted those pics in answer to a thread on PLAYA LOS MUERTOS...which you yourself have said you were nowhere near.

3. I used your (Sylvia) post as an example of the kinds of things that DO exist in PV. Whether there are feces in the water, I have NO idea...I doubt it actually...it would be broken down by the time it got to the ocean, and resemble black sludge, and stink...not unlike some eyewitness accounts.

4. How did that water in those pics get there? Water typically seems to flow downhill...sorry I don't have pics to prove same, but I've heard reliable eye witness accounts of same... :roll:

5. I don't expect you DO know much about it Sylvia....but thanks for your 2 cents worth anyway.

EDITED TO ADD - By the way Sylvia, in case you're wondering about my "lack of friendliness" towards you..that post with those pics is what "did it" for me. Funny we're coming back to it actually. This is a board to PROMOTE PV and tourism, and here you are posting pics of some unknown stinky substance flowing from the sand on it. ...in a thread that wasn't even relevant. It's very disappointing actually. And since then I have no respect for you. Just in case you were wondering . :wink:

For everyone else...I'm not suggesting that things of this nature shouldn't be talked about at all..I'm not a "stick your head in the sand" kind of person. However, in a thread discussing Playa Los Muertos, and whether it's safe to swim or not...is NOT what I'd call the appropriate place...imho.

So let's all chime in now shall we? *Ding* "Let the games begin."

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Response to The Buffoon

Post by smitty » Tue Mar 18, 2008 8:52 am

Edit - "Civil" really isn't the correct word I'm looking for. "Amicable" is better. That went out the window pretty quick - eh ?
So here we are again - someone dares to post something you don't like and the personal attacks start . Not surprising because that is your nature and what you live for. You condemn Jennybean for the exact way you operate . Winterpegman like Jenny says get some perspective - nobody cares who you respect or disrespect . Your participation on this board can easily be summed up in three examples :
1 Posts about your friends new website
2 A condescending little reminder about quality over quanity in posts
3 Your latest rant against whoever is the villain of the day
Go to it Winterpegman - the board awaits your wisdom .

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Post by howard_jax » Tue Mar 18, 2008 1:32 pm

Lochinvar again rides out of the West to protect the honor of a fair Maiden.

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Re: Response to The Buffoon

Post by winterpegman » Tue Mar 18, 2008 2:54 pm

smitty wrote:Edit - "Civil" really isn't the correct word I'm looking for. "Amicable" is better. That went out the window pretty quick - eh ?
So here we are again - someone dares to post something you don't like and the personal attacks start . Not surprising because that is your nature and what you live for. You condemn Jennybean for the exact way you operate . Winterpegman like Jenny says get some perspective - nobody cares who you respect or disrespect . Your participation on this board can easily be summed up in three examples :
1 Posts about your friends new website
2 A condescending little reminder about quality over quanity in posts
3 Your latest rant against whoever is the villain of the day
Go to it Winterpegman - the board awaits your wisdom .
I guess there must have been a vote I was unaware of...you know...the one where you were voted spokesman for "everyone"? The "buffoon" title of your post speaks more about YOU, than it does of me, by the way. There's a piece of wisdom for you.

I'll be the first to admit that I have "trouble" being unbiased towards JB. Noting it, isn't prophetic Smitty, nor is it "new news"...but thanks for that anyway "Captain Obvious". Nonetheless, I do actually TRY to be unbiased in all things here.

My participation on this board goes beyond my posts alone Smitty. Given your summation of it (in your eyes), you clearly discount it as irrelevant, and that's ok..you ARE after all entitled to your opinion, whether it be correct or incorrect.
...what you live for
You must have a keen insight into me Smitty...I thought I was covering that little tidbit! :roll: Like you have a CLUE what makes me "tick"!!

Tell me something...where is the personal attack in my post Smitty? The "2 cents" comment? Wow...that sure was an "attack". :roll: Clearly you don't know me at all, if you think THAT was an attack.

Let's look at your numbered list shall we?

1. So what if I try to help a friend out? Your "buffoon" post appears to be doing just that..."helping" out your friend Sylvia. At least my posts concerning Bruce and his website aren't name-calling.

2. You may THINK it's condescending, but in reality each and every "reminder" as you call them, are jokes. Sad that you can't discern fact from fiction. Since we're on the topic of posts though..you clearly seem to believe that posting endless amounts of links to "entertaining" websites is performing some kind of great service to one and all...and I think not. But that's just my opinion...I'm sure some others like the drivel, so I wouldn't have commented (until now) on it.

3. You call them "rants", I call them observations. Potato/PotAtoe I guess.

There...my "wisdom" for the day.

Thus quoth the "Buffoon".

By the way...I think it's funny calling me a buffoon. However, know that you ARE calling a moderator of the board that. Like me or hate me, I would ask that you display a tad more respect for the position here, regardless of who wears the "title".

So...can we get back to the actual thread/topic now...or are we going to go even further off topic?

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Thread closed

Post by webmaster » Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:22 pm

I actually think this thread has outlived it usefulness, I am locking it.

If someone wants to relive it, you can post a new one, but considering the last page or two are personal attacks and off-topic posts, well, that isn't very useful for any visitor.

If you can keep the topic on track then it'll stay open.


