parasailing (cost of)

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parasailing (cost of)

Post by searles » Fri Mar 15, 2002 9:21 pm

can someone please tell me how much i should expect to pay to parasail. have never done it before. any other info would be appreciated such as where is it available

Captain Sportster

Re:parasailing (cost of)

Post by Captain Sportster » Sat Mar 16, 2002 8:42 pm

We were in Nuevo Vallarta in February 2002.

The first time I went I ended up paying $30 for about 15 minutes. (He was originally wanted $35.)

A couple of days later, a group of us (7 people) went down the beach together, because we figured we would get a better price with a bunch of us going. One of the operators (the guy I went with the first time)wouldn't go any lower than $30, so we went down the beach about 1/2 mile and got the guy down there to $25 each. We couldn't get him any
lower no matter how hard we tried. Time was about the same 15-20 minutes.
