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Vallarta Oct/Nov 2007 Part 2

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:35 pm
by chance
Day 3 Temp 33C 91F Sunny

Morning just up open the drapes nothing but blue sky and sunshine another perfect day.
Down stairs for breakfast well this morning was not as good as the last couple of days
Oh well today I am tour guide as we go get to explore. It’s a nice day so we walk downtown we go down the back streets I like them so much more no hawkers just every day people getting on with there day. It amazes’ me that people just stay on the beaten track and don’t go explore there is so much more to PV than the Malcon don’t get me wrong I like it to. Any way off subject here so we walk up in to the hill side and tour around Gringo Gulch visit Liz’s house. I love Old world Mexican Style Architecture.
As we make are way down to the Market big mistake 3 ladies with money. I convince them that we will come back later no use carrying around purchases when you still have a full day of touring and then they could shop to there hearts content. We make are way further south in old town it’s a shame that old has to meet new but hey that’s the way it is. Grab a couple of cab’s and head out to Conchas Chinas which means Chinese shells.
Some people in this world have some cash the homes are massive and beautiful. After a good couple of hours walking around we head down to the beach there are some great little cove’s with sandy beaches hang out here for a while do some swimming and sun for a bit. A must do thing doesn’t cost a thing other than cab and it’s nice and pleasant. We propose to walk down the beach back to town 3 yes 5 no cab it is. Cab it back to the pier and go sit a CyC’s to replenish the thirst and something to eat. Back to the market as promised show them around and show them where to meet us at Café Roma. The three of us remaining go up stairs to café roma and get comfortable and settle in this shopping thing is going to take some time. Again my first time heard about it walk past it hundreds of times. Meet Sr Fox nice man he sits and talks with us for a good half hour. We sign are names to the wall I would recommend a visit to his establishment as we plan to come back for lunch one day. Well 2 hours have past the rest of the team show the 3 of us are pretty well cooked at this point laden up with there goods definitely cabbing it back.

Back at the Canto time to get a few more in at the pool bar before closing time. Only be here 3 days and been light up every day oh well only 12 more to go. Dinner I was going to say alright but that would be a lie it was terrible. Somethings should just be left alone
Chinese food is one of them. After dinner it has been decided that off to Andales for another evening but off to Pepe’s not Pipi’s I’ll get to that place later on we stop there and grab some tacos. Nice evening not to humid with a bit of a breeze down the Malcon to Andales, get there not to packed maybe its quite nite. After about and hour the place slowly starts to fill up a family down on vacation brothers sisters wifes husbands joins us.
So we have a nice group of 18 people I can see where this is going. Could someone if you know please tell me why the whistle the shots and the nipple twists or what it is called.
After a few of those it was time to stop those everyone is having a good time and the place is going now. So these people and I understand you are in Mexico but some things you don’t do they are sitting by the bano decides to fire up a joint and smoke it. Dave I think that’s his name nice person it was deer in headlights head up looking around spots them goes over tells them to put it out. They do and soon leave don’t now what was said.
Our throats are sore from singing needless to say all had a very good evening. Last call and home we go.

Day 4 Temp 32C 90F Sunny some thin clouds
Hang over no Explanation required

Day 5 Temp 33C 91F Sunny Humid
Well pretty well a do nothing day today. All have recovered nicely, downstairs for breakfast which was very good they make good omelets I think it was good due to the day before. I hate wasting a day due to over indulgence but dam it was fun. Anything that I had read on TA has still yet to come true other than the Chinese food. Down to the beach by Tropicana and hang there for the day the beach in front of the Canto I just didn’t like the beach. As we are down at the beach we are in the water and having some decent waves when all of a sudden this waves starts to come in but the fish are jumping out of the wave at us. Thought its obvious something chasing them first thing that comes to my mind is dolphins. Well the wave comes the fish go and in the water no one thinks any different just a new experience to tell of. I would like to know what is was but some things are better left alone.

Over a good day at the beach more sun more tan. Yea Dinner and I don’t have to eat in the hotel this evening is at Ztai very interesting place the lounge is in the front on top facing the Malecon the restaurant is below most of it is outside open air concept with a closed portion at the back for bad weather days. The unusual thing it goes from Morelos to Juarez one full block to the east. It was great ambience food service and was reasonable as well I would like to describe it to you but I don’t have the words and you will see what I mean. After dinner walk down to Salsa Mexican a few tequila’s some cerveza’s. and call it a night.

Traveling with people you dont know that story to come

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 4:53 pm
by tandr2
Thanks Chance! You're making me miss the Canto - 23 days til we'll be there... I can barely stand it. :D :D

Posted: Sat Nov 17, 2007 10:51 pm
by Plus4
Enjoying your Report Chance :)

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 1:10 am
by sonofdob
thanks chance...that was really too bad about day I never get that...must be the Irish heritage...the drink does us no harm...your parting comment has me watching for the next installment ! sonofdob

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 4:36 am
by travelbug_jp
Sounds like you had a great time so far. I know what you mean about a newbie seeing PV for the first time. I had that experience last year when my friend who never travels anywhere got up the courage to come visit me when I was there. She was in awe for 7 days! I loved it.
Looking forward to "the rest of the story!"
