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Valllarta November 2007 Part 3

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:39 pm
by chance
Traveling with people you don’t know we came down with four couples one are friends easy to get along with the other there friends also easy going now there friends complete opposite, I’ve heard nothing but complaints since day one food hotel cabs streets cleanliness of the city sidewalks local hawkers heat (that one makes me laugh) local people that one made me laugh to you name it complaint after complaint. OK I am done I will move on.

Day 6 35C 95F Sunny Very Humid
First I must start off with I can’t believe the weather that we are getting it has been fantastic. Are Day gets off to a good start it is Friday and the resort has become more full with the surrounding locals wanting a weekend away. We had to wait in line for breakfast
(another complaint) it was no big deal 10 minutes and we were in. Put the proposal forward go explore or the beach the beach it is. Well short day at the beach one of the group has developed heat stroke cool him the best we can get him out of the sun and get ice from the bar get him back to the resort and thankful of a very concerned and considerate cab driver who spoke broke English he was very appreciative of the 200 peso I gave him.
Get him cooled down and rehydrated call the Doctor 700 peso’s well worth it and that’s what travel insurance is for. Doc checks him out everything is good.

Off for dinner just four of us our friends the other four stay behind to bad being there last evening here. But they opted to go to the resort show (I’ll here a complaint about that to) and do some packing. We go to Pepe’s its across the street from the Pemex Station on the North side a lot of locals eat here very reasonable one fish one beef one chicken taco and two cerveza’s cost me 60 peso’s. It’s nice to just people watch the locals come and go tourist that have heard of this place or people who just discover it. Head off down the Malecon for a walk as it is Friday night. Back to Salsa Mexicana. You may have heard me talk about this place a bit it’s a little place on the corner west side of the Pemex gas station. Great place to people watch as the evening goes on. We just sit and talk are friends have had a wonderful time and wish to come back again next year with us.
The PV bug has bitten someone else. I don’t know what it is about PV you come down a first timer and your hooked you can’t wait to come home again. As for there friends they also have had a great time. As for the last couple I can’t wait for there comments on PV it might be a whole page. Back to the subject they never realized just how much is here and things to do they now see why we don’t do AI and like to stay downtown. A few more and time to head back as they leave tomorrow.

Day 7 Temp 34C 93F Sunny
Still can’t get over the weather the sunshine gods are smiling at us.
Slept a little late 9:30 head on down fro breakfast everyone else had gone and are preparing to leave. There’s no line up just straight in it was very good this morning
I don’t know if it a hit and miss thing can’t complain enjoyed it. Back up to the room
We are the holding room as checkout is at 11:00 and they don’t leave till 1:00.
Hang out by the bar Jose pulls two tables together he’s a great person just keep the drinks coming these people really to work hard. I knew the complaint’s from last night was coming. The music was to loud getting drinks was taking to long don’t know about the drink thing never been to a resort show so cant say. The best part of this trip is when there leave. The time has come up to the room gather there bags and say are good bye’s as we stand and watch the two cabs pull away, we both come to the same realization the annoying couple are gone never to return and that the real vacation begins
with just the two of us. Up stairs grab the backpack some water and just start walking downtown something we missed doing nothing was said on the way down I think we are just both happy to be by are self’s. Off to the markets to check them out see what I would like to buy before we return. Explore the better part of the afternoon then back to the resort for a short siesta then off for a good meal. We decide to go back to the blue shrimp
just a shrimp cocktail which is large and a salad I love this place. Dinner done Saturday night the Malecon is busy we walk down to the river café and sit in the lounge and have a few. Walk all the way back to Salsa Mexican have are tequila’s and call it a night.

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2007 6:46 pm
by sonofdob
that's too bad about the negative couple in your have to wonder why some people even bother to travel...they seem to dislike everything and always compare it to "back home" ?