Birthday Bash - 1

Report on your Puerto Vallarta trip, hotel, restaurant, tour, etc.

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Birthday Bash - 1

Post by titustitans » Mon May 08, 2006 7:45 pm

Well folks I am back. :cry: Yes I too wish it would have been longer, but four days was all we could schedule at this time, and I HAD to be in PV on the day of my 40th!

Our first day was wonderful. We decided to rent a villa instead of staying in a resort, and I must tell you that I would do it again in a second! We chose Villa Katalina which is on a STEEP hill just about a block east of Hwy 200. If anyone if familiar with Casa Isabel, we were right next door. If you were on the beach near CyC's looking directly east up the hill you would have a straight line to our Villa. The views were amazing, and we had a perfect location to watch the sunsets.

We got the first flight out of Minneapolis and got into PV before Noon. We all packed in carry-ons, and honestly we were the only ones on that flight that did. It was awesome to shock all the timeshare guys who were watching the people through the window waiting at baggage claim, as we came walking out and blew right past them!

Got to the villa and they had margaritias and fresh guacamole that was the best we had ever had. My wife has NEVER enjoyed guacamole, but she could not stop eating this stuff! The staff was the so very helpful and just great to have around. They were only there when they needed to be, so you really felt like you had the 8000 sq ft place to yourself.

The beverage fridge was fully stocked with Pacifico and Dos XX. So we were so set that we didn't mind just spending the afternoon around our pool and sitting at the table taking it all in. But alas, the city called us and we headed down Mt. Party (we had to call it something) and into the city to explore.

We got somewhat turned around after we crossed Hwy 200, and instead of heading west to the water, we headed north. But that wasn't all bad thanks to all the little 10 peso beer stores!!! :wink: When we finally figured we were headed wrong (took awhile because the wives were checking out all the shops, and damn if those little 10 peso beer stores aren't just about everywhere) we turned and ended up hitting the beach right at Burro's Bar. (Tough spot to come upon I know). Well it being happy hour and all, we hung out there for a few rounds (six people, so you do the math regarding rounds). We then began to head south to go to CyC's because we had promised our kids back home that we would stop and wave. Guess what, another happy hour, and the table that the camara was facing was open, so we sat there and watched the sunset, while our kids sat in Minnesota having there supper and watching Mom and Dad on the computer! Thought some fish tacos sounded good, so that was supper for our first night.

Now that we were in the "mood" it was off to Andales for some fun! Yes the donkey was there!! No Tom we all kept our clothes on! :lol: Had a blast, and a few LARGE margaritas. Since we had to get up to leave that morning at 3AM, we thought that maybe we should head back up Mt. Party so that we could rest a bit for the next day. We were starting to approach the up for 24hr point :D . Well the liquid encouragement was working well, because we all thought we could easily climb back up this mountain, WRONG! Let me just say here, that if you need to quick way to sober up, just try walking up a really steep set of steps and then up a really steep cobblestone street! By the time we got back to the Villa, we not only need a few cold ones to cool down, but to also get back the wonderful mexico buzz that we were enjoying!

My last day as a 39 year old was a good one, but I needed to prepare myself for the next day and the start of another decade of life! be continued......

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Post by Plus4 » Mon May 08, 2006 8:04 pm

:D Quote:
We then began to head south to go to CyC's because we had promised our kids back home that we would stop and wave. Guess what, another happy hour, and the table that the camara was facing was open, so we sat there and watched the sunset, while our kids sat in Minnesota having there supper and watching Mom and Dad on the computer!

I Thought the above Cute!

Glad you and the Mrs. had a good time and that you had a Happy 40th in Puerto Vallarta.
Good report!

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40th Bday in PV

Post by helenf » Mon May 08, 2006 8:07 pm

Well Titus,

I must tell you I'm extreeeeeeemely jealous that you were able to spend your 40th in PV. I have been planning to do the same thing for a year now (I turn 40 in three weeks), however, my boss has other ideas and just kaiboshed the idea last week. He will be away then too, so I'm not allowed to take time off that week as I work with a very unmotivated co-worker who needs to be babysat! UGGGGHH! I'm not bitter - :lol:

Happy 40th to you!



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Post by travelbug_jp » Mon May 08, 2006 10:57 pm

I enjoyed that. The view sounds amazing from your location and there are worse things in life than getting lost or turned around in PV!! What a way to celebrate your birthday. Lucky you! Thanks for the report.


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Post by tojol57 » Tue May 09, 2006 12:39 pm

good one Titustitans... glad to see you had a good time for your 40th... well next year i turn the big 50 but not until november 2007, but in February 2007 we are going to have a early order bash...

sorry that your trip was so short, i would love to have been down for another week, but that wasn't in the cards, i keep telling Lojo that feb 2007 maybe the whole month or maybe three weeks, and then who cares right....

welcome home... happy 40th again... enjoy life.... :wink: :lol: 8)


Post by DELETED » Tue May 09, 2006 2:13 pm


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Post by cside17 » Tue May 09, 2006 7:37 pm

I will be spending my 40th flying back from 2 weeks at the Royal Decameron in July. I planned on being there over my 40th. But my younger inconsiderate brother decided to get married, so I have to come back early. Oh well it will still be a blast!

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Post by michelle/tyler » Wed May 10, 2006 4:37 am

Im so glad your b-day was a blast thanks for sharing your trip with us.

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To Finish

Post by titustitans » Mon May 15, 2006 3:42 pm

Things got crazy around here so I wanted to take a quick minute to finish. My actual birthday was Friday, and it was one to be remembered. After spending the day walking around town and enjoying lunch and the 10 peso cerveza's! We headed back to our villa to spend some time in the pool and get ready for the evening. We headed down to Bruce's Back Alley Bistro, and were greeted by his chef and the staff. Bruce later joined us and gave some great recomendations. The food was, well I have already posted elsewhere how good it was. The highlight was when the whole staff came out with a birthday cake from the bakery down the street and sang! The after dinner drinks that Bruce selected were just perfect too.

We headed out and down to the beach for a little stroll and to work off the meal! Stopped by a couple of little places along the way, and I wish I could remember the name of one that had a little jazz group playing. Another stop into Andales or Ann-dales, and then back to the villa.

Saturday and Sunday we both great. We took time again to explore around the city. We stopped into one of the tequila stores for some taste testing and bought Vanilla Tequila. Let me tell you that we finished that bottle pretty quick by mixing it with Coke, we called it Vi-quila Cokes, man were they great to have around the pool! We also found good use for it in the mornings by putting it into coffee.

The trip was far too short, but we did it right by not booking ourselves into a lot of things, instead we just spent time being in P.V. and acting like we lived there. It was relaxing and so much fun. My wife and I are now setting our plans on the next trip down, hopefully next year, this time with the kids. We had been planning on Round 2 of Disney, should say my wife was, but she just decided as we sat down on the beach that we have to bring the kids and let them experience this. No arguements here!!! :D


Re: To Finish

Post by DELETED » Mon May 15, 2006 6:28 pm


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Post by tojol57 » Mon May 15, 2006 9:32 pm

knock em dead there titustitans. sound like a great time to just veg out and relax. i know about being too short, but we live with what we can at the time and moment, and if we can get back down yet this year fantastic, if not then two weeks in Feb 2007 may even push it to three weeks if i can. depends on how the next few months go. but would love to spend a MONTH down there like some other people do... LOL oh well...

party on dude... :wink: :lol: 8)
