Crossing the pedestrian bridge

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Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by NJF » Wed Dec 17, 2003 6:11 pm

I've crossed that bridge and paid about 1/2 what the airport taxis charge to get to destinations from the airport. The last time was in the middle of the night. It seemed safe enough to me, but I'm 6'3" and weigh about 255. I speak decent Spanish, between my size, sense of humor and language ability I seem to get by well that way. However, I can understand why other's may not want to cross the bridge and would feel more comfortable using the "official" airport taxis.

fredy from ottawa

Re:Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by fredy from ottawa » Sat Jan 17, 2004 4:20 pm

you are rigth ONE . this airport taxis is the bigest ripp OFF!!!! if you travel ligth this is a great way to safe 10-15 $$$$


Re:Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by nj » Mon Jan 26, 2004 8:59 pm

Everyone says that the taxis across the road are charging nearly as much as the airport taxis this year.


Re:Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by tigermom » Tue Jan 27, 2004 4:57 am

Have been to PV many times and I have never crossed the bridge...always had a reasonable cab fare into town directly from the airport. Have things changed in the 2 years since I have been there? Is it cheaper to cross or the same?

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Re:Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by canucker » Tue Jan 27, 2004 6:11 am

While I am on vacation in Paradise, there is no way on earth I am going to go through the trouble to save 10 bucks!!

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Re:Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by cjackson1481 » Fri Mar 12, 2004 12:25 am

Canucker - I'm with you! Grab the nearest taxi so you can get to your hotel, grab a loungechair and sip a sangria. In fact, that's what I'll be doing in 5 days, at Molino de Agua. What's a few dollars here or there? I'm on vacation!


Re:Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by tantom1 » Thu Mar 18, 2004 11:15 pm

tigermom (Jan 26, 2004 11:57 p.m.):
Have been to PV many times and I have never crossed the bridge...always had a reasonable cab fare into town directly from the airport. Have things changed in the 2 years since I have been there? Is it cheaper to cross or the same?'s what happened to me just last week.
I had read that the airport taxi's charged 30 bucks and that getting a Yellow taxi across the pedestrian bridge(just a minute away) cost approximately 2/3's less.
SO hey why should I pay 30 bucks when I can pay 10 and spend the rest on dinner & drinks right?
...anyway, as I'm crossing the bridge I get approached by a driver who asks if I want a cab ...I ask him if he's a Yellow(city) cab he says yes and that it costs 20 bucks but that its better than paying $30. I thought I would check with some of the other cabbies who were lined up across the bridge but this guy was next in the line and the other cabbies didin't seem to be in their cabs so I figured what the helll I'm not going to make a huge deal out of it.

Bottom line is I got to my hotel and paid him the $20 bucks....we actually had a decent conversation in my broken Spanish on the way BUT the Hotel Bell Hop asked me afterwards where I was coming from. When I told him the airport he got this weird expression on his face and said my fare should have been $7.20 .... man I felt totally cheated. He said the fares are regulated and that all Yellow cabs in PV should have a rate chart telling you what the fare is (I assume so that they can't make it up as they go)

Next time I travel in a country where I'm not sure exactly what the deal is I'm going to ask the bell hop when I get to the hotel what the fare should be before I pay anybody...certainly would make me feel less like a sitting duck.


Depends on where you were staying

Post by clinta74 » Mon Mar 22, 2004 3:10 pm

I always get charged $20 to Nuevo, doesn't matter if from downtown or the marina. $7.50 sounds right for most everyplace else unless you are south of the Cuale.

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Re:Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by teduardo » Mon Mar 22, 2004 8:39 pm

"I had read that the airport taxi's charged 30 bucks"

Not sure what hotel you were going to, but if the yellow taxi fare should have been $7.20, the Federal airport taxi would have been around $15-$18, so you got taken all the way around.

$30 will take you a long ways even in an airport taxi, better take better notes next time.

Personally, we just take the airport taxi, the sooner we get to town and have a cold beverage in hand is well worth the extra $$.



Post by BILLinP.V. » Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:49 pm

They are ripping you off(again) at the airoprt. The fares are $20.00 to $30.00 from the airport, but when you go back TO the airport they are MUCH,MUCH lower for the same ride, but in the opposite direction

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Post by webmaster » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:01 pm

The airport is a federal facility, taxis have special permits so they can pick up guests at the airport, so rates are different going from the federal area to the hotels located in Jalisco state, than going from Puerto Vallarta to the airport.

I've always found airport taxis, no matter where you are in the world, to be very expensive.



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Post by bicoastaljohn » Sun Dec 04, 2005 9:14 pm

This year I am avoiding the taxi problems by having my hotel send a car for me. For an extra 10$ US, above the normal fare from the airport,I will have an air-conditioned car waiting to take me directly to my hotel. Providing my flights are not delayed I will have been up and travelling for 11 hours. Add to this time needed at the PV airport for luggage retrival and immigration/customs and I will be ready for a quick departure in a cab with air conditioning. I wish I had done this on my last two trips.

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Post by kcowan » Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:00 pm

There is a booth on the south side of the terminal by the exit door. You buy a coupon for your taxi and get the official rate to whatever destination you specify. It is not $20 to the Hotel Zone. Do not go outside and try to negotiate.

These taxis are usually white and clean with new slip covers or leather seats and AC, e.g. Toyota Camry and sometimes a van of you have lots of luggage. You might save $3 to $5 plus tip by crossing the bridge. If there is a big crowd on the east side of the bridge, the price will be higher. If you are going to Bucerias/Sayulita or Conchas Chinas/Mismaloya, it might be worth your while if you are a good negotiator.

Coming back is half price because you are not paying the airport surcharge. (Just like every other airport.)
Last edited by kcowan on Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by chuck » Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:26 pm

[goodpost] That the best suggestion.. even though my transportation is included in my package. I would do what you suggested. The sooner I'm on the beach with an ice cold beverage the better for me.
Last edited by chuck on Sat Dec 24, 2005 11:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Crossing the pedestrian bridge

Post by PV_Fubar » Sat Dec 24, 2005 9:17 pm

I have found that it is better to check out your cab and driver at the Airport rather than flag one down after crossing the pedestrian bridge.
Some of the yellow PV cabs not that great.
Always confirm your price before you get in!

Take the Airport cab. It will cost you more but its the start of your holiday. You don't want to be hauling all your luggage over the bridge and try and stuff it into a small cab.

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Post by pwraudio1 » Thu Feb 09, 2006 6:55 am

I love the BUS.....

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Post by winterpegman » Fri Feb 10, 2006 3:21 pm

Please note the date of the original post...a few years ago! It really makes little sense to cross the bridge now, as at best you may save a dollar or two...and that's it. The taxi's are "on" to the rates at the airport, and will hold firm to get as close to the stated airport rates as they possibly can.

Save yourself the headache and inside at the booth, and make it (the taxi trip) as seamless as possible.
