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Blood Donation

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2008 9:31 pm
by Jennybean
The areas outside PV proper including Nayarit state (including Bucerias and Punta Mita) have been designated "hot zones" by the Red Cross and Canadian Blood Services for many years now due to statistically high instances of Dengue Fever.

If you stay in the city, you can still donate - not sure why PV proper isn't a hot zone, the only thing I can think is the above average instances of city and resorts spraying for mosquitos. They still allow me to donate regularly about every 70 days and nothing has ever shown up on a blood screen, so I guess I'm good to go. :)

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 7:17 pm
by BellaLuna
I contracted an extreme case of the Denge my 1st trip to Vallarta. I don´t know if was from my trip to the jungle for the Canopy Tour or just from being on the beach. Last year planes flew over the beach while I was laying on it spraying DDT or whatever for the mosquitos. I don´t know if they notified people of the spraying, but it happened for 3 days. I know last year on the Canadian Consulate website there was a Denge warning for travelers. Don´t know if there is one this year.

Henna Tatoo & Bedding

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:13 am
by droyce
FYI something you may not have thought of. The color that is left on the skin from these tatoos comes off on bedding, clothing etc. I spent a good deal of time bleaching the bedding at my condo rental due to tatoo imprints that were left on my Egyptian/Italian bedding. I don't know that the next guest would have realized what they were and might have thought they were stained (soiled)bedding, ick! If you are going to tatoo please try to cover it up when sleeping on sheets as it does stain. Thank-you

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2008 5:58 am
by BellaLuna
Egyptian/Italian bedding????????????? Obviously they brought it with them from the states!!! hahaha

it is a shame

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 1:04 am
by ta2artchick
it is really a shame that this kind of events even have place, but i have to say it, it is not really the fault of anyone in particular, but IGNORANCE IT SELF, about this particular issue please know that henna tattoos CAN cause reaction, it is a matter of concentration of the henna it self what makes it dangerous....the weather could be another factor, but remember that nowadays the world is globalized and when you come to Mexico you do not come to the little village with a couple of cactuses and the mexicans dont go around with a big big hat and a diaper ......I am a mexican tattoo artist and i have to say that i feel embarassed for the things that i´ve been reading here, embarrassed taht some are true and embarassed at the fact that some people are so un or disinformed that they think that coming to Mexico is almost the same thing that going to the Amazon River!!!!, Common sense applies EVERYWHERE!!!!!! if you are travelling it is your duty to read, investigate and inform yourself about the place you are about to explore, and for me is my duty to understand your perspective and try to infrom you with the honesty that anyone in the world deserves, noy only my own personal experiences or beliefs but whatever that might be of real help.....
Now to the fact that henna tattoos can cause this recation, when you get a henna tattoo it should never be really black, the natural tinct of the plant is a dark brown, but since people want to get a REAL LOOKING TATTOO, and AS BLACK AS POSSIBLE, vendors at the beach try to accomplish this demand and in their ignorance they increase the concentration of the henna, getting a nice almost black color that looks great for a couple of hours, but since henna is an astringent plant, it starts to dry the skin and BURNS IT...... so when you want to get a henna tattoo know :
1st. it´s supposed to be brown not black
2nd. wash off the tincture in a couple of hours after, otherwise it will keep working on your skin, even if it is a mild mixture
3rd. it is not supposed to be permanent!
4th. Ask a professional about it!
And pease feel free to contact me if you need any info regardng tattoos, specially REAL ONES, we are a Canadian based company , our original shop is located in Ontario, Orilla Canada, and we have this shop in Puerto Valllarta, we are: BODYCO TATTOO VALLARTA, VISIT OUR WEB SITE:
Thank you, and Mexico welcomes you!