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Re:Everyting but be fine.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 8:59 pm
by DonnaMark
stew wrote:
Alexander (Sep 07, 2005 03:27 a.m.):
i'm starting to wonder if these boards are part of some PV propaganda machine. seems like if anyone has something negative to say it's shot down real quick by the admin or board junkies. just an observation. overall the info has been great. i would like to hear the bad stuff too though.
Well there is TOO Darn Many gringos there. The beach peddlers can be a real pain in the rear end & driving conditions are approaching the Bay area level. I guess you have "missed" the complaints about Time share Ghouls, rip off & unsafe tours & bad expensive food. I think this board is very balanced for one of it's ilk.

Thats not the PV I know....
maybe you meant the Cancun board...

Peddlers are just trying to make a living, a "no, gracias" works fine.
Don't drive. take a bus, consider it an 'E' ticket ride at a carnival.
Time shares are everywhere these days. Just say no.
Do your homework for tours. Better yet, make your own.
There are many, many good to excellent eateries with inexpensive menus.
And, finally, if you won't be coming again, there will be one less gringo.
[hello]'s not just for drag queens anymore...

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:26 pm
by Jennybean
Knowing something of stew's posting style DonnaMark, I'd say his comments were meant to be sarcasm, and not taken as serious.

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 11:37 pm
by tojol57
Yes my friend Stew is a little tongue in cheek some days... but he is from Iowa... and the operative word there is "from"... Just kidding Stew...

have a good one everybody...

8) Tom

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2005 8:22 pm
by chuck
Yeh, is all the corn up there that does it. BTW I see that this damn post made it back to the top again. I thought it was buried, but I guess the typos in the subject line caught someones attention again.