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Timshare saleswoman Marianna at Mariscos Tino´s on Malecon

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 7:44 pm
by thisisthis
always loved Tino´s in Pitillal, so we went to their newest location in el centro the other evening. we were approached by Marianna, who we believed, and who led us to believe, that she was a Tino´s employee. after chatting briefly, she left us, only to return again later in our meal and finally the timeshare solicitation for Grand Mayan, would pay us $200, . . . we said no, but she kept talking. we should have been more firm, but didn´t want to lose our temper in the restaurant. if you don´t want to spoil your entire evening, AVOID TINO´S AND THE TIMESHARE SALESWOMAN MARIANNA.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:55 am
by howard_jax
I do not think that a word or 2 from this Marianna could ever spoil a dinner at Tino's. A polite "please go away" and/or a word to the Manager will end it. Tino's is way to smart to lose old customers this way. :?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:13 pm
by thisisthis
howardjax: i somehow knew this incident would be OUR fault. more than a word or two, she would not go away, and i´m sure tino´s was allowing this woman to operate in their restaurant. she was still standing near the second floor entrance at the top of the stairs when we left as if she were part of their staff. if we were not almost finished our meal, i suppose we would have gone to management. enough said.

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:16 pm
by howard_jax
I am truly sorry if you got the impression that I thought it was your fault. I never alluded to that. I said that a word or 2 would not spoil my dinner at Tino's. I have no doubt that the T/S people are in many, many places, not just Tino's, with the blessings of the Restaurant management. The T/S operators pay huge fees for their people to be there.

BTW. I edited just the word spoil in my first post. I had soil. HJ

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:30 am
by katnsocal
I don't think anyone will think that it is YOUR FAULT because someone was selling timeshare in a restaurant. HowardJax, like myself, has eaten at Tino's for years, in fact he and I had a great dinner there last fall, which was the first time either one of us had eaten at the new location. I already told you what I think of TS salespeople in restaurants and I will make sure the message gets to Tino this weekend. I imagine he will take steps to remove them when he hears his customers are saying they will not return because of their presence there. His restaurants are too popular and well-liked to shoot himself in the foot by allowing business to be driven away.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:42 am
by charlieb
Please, thisisthis, don't be so sensitive and touchy. NOBODY thinks you were at fault. You will find that this board is more adult in nature than, say, TripAdvisor, so we will speak in a more adult tone. Chuck... 8)

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 6:48 am
by katnsocal
We Do? :lol:

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:34 pm
by oneistwo
As the senior member of the trio dining at Tino´s, I have to admit I have to work on my reflexes, my anti-timeshare defenses. Yes we should have spoken to the manager but as in other incidents I was too shocked to act. We kept saying no, no, no, we´re not interested we´re not buying anything no no no no ... and she wouldn´t go away. Át that point we just wanted to get the hell out of there. And it was the last night of my daughter´s stay and we weren´t in a fighting mood. I will have that word with the manager, next time Í´m downtown.

I know thisisthis didn´t mean we were being told the incident was our fault, but that our reaction was inadequate or just wrong, the negative responses would be aimed at us, not Tino´s

We´re used to fending off such people on the street, where we can just walk away. Remember the year of Mayan Palace? I´m not exaggerating when I say EVERY stranger who struck up a conversation with us -- Mexican or gringo - was pushing Mayan Palace. In restaurants, grocery stores, art galleries, the bus, even cab drivers. It certainly hasn´t been that bad since, which was part of the reason our guard was down. But in a Tino´s ...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 3:58 pm
by Plus4
Dining out is not all about the food it also has to do with atmosphere ..
Most of us go on vacation to relax...Being hounded by TS and sales folks is very annoying and can spoil one vacation..

I would not go back...The manager (owner) should know without being told that his guests..his customers are being bothered...
Acutually would bet he knows... How could he not...

Thanks for the heads up..appreciated...

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 7:51 pm
by howard_jax
Sylvia, I said that the management probably knew. What Kat and I were saying was a word to management that they were being annoyed and not taking no for an answer, could have and should have solved the problem. What Kat was also saying is that Tino did not build his businesses up on T/S money. He built his reputation on good food and good service and a good time. He would not put up with his customers being harassed.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 8:24 pm
by katnsocal
Were there any timeshare people in Tino's when you ate there? Just curious because this is something new for them, or could it be that you have never eaten there?

I totally understand you being taken off guard since is have never been their practice to have them in there. I also not wanting to fight over it. I am glad to hear the food and service were still to your liking, now they just need to get the MP out of there.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:10 am
by Plus4
I was giving my humble opinion :lol: and thanking thisisthis for the heads up .. Info like this may just come in handy for us or for friends and family who may end up one day in PV...

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 6:35 am
by katnsocal
The message will be given to Tino this coming Sunday along with the information that the customers displeasure has now been posted on the internet for all to read. Hopefully it will not take long to remove the irritant that affects the customers dining experience.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 3:22 am
by thisisthis
bottom line is that nobody should have to endure this when they go out to what they thought was one of their favorite seafood restaurants in vallarta. and we shouldn´t even have to take our time from our dinner to inform management that we are being annoyed. tino´s just should not allow them there. period.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:33 am
by katnsocal
In a perfect world......Next time try Joe Jacks and if you are lucky you can experience the owner falling off his barstool drunk watching you walk past him and all the way up the stairs while he is drooling on himself. Talk about feeling uncomfortable. I should have gotten up and left too because it ruined my dinner as well as my grandkids, who wanted to know why that man was acting that way.

What can I's not my restaurant and I have never been approached by TS in there in the 14 years I have been going there.

At least your food and service was good, it could have been worse I guess.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 5:55 pm
by katnsocal
Would you please like to tell me why you took my post and pasted it over on the AllVallarta board? What gives you the right to take what I/we are discussing on this board and just out of the blue post one comment of the entire post on another board?

1. You didn't post the entire thread not just one comment? You are complete and total idiot.

Glad to see your cut and paste skills are not waining.

Posted: Thu Mar 25, 2010 8:48 pm
by chico98
if you looked at your signature
captaon first mate
was underlined to link to this page

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 2:44 am
by Plus4
Ohhhhh chico :lol: Image

YOU may not always post things right but...there is no way you are a complete and total idiot. ( Sorry you had to take a personal attack)... :evil: AGAIN....

You married Maria...right? :) Not such an idiot... :lol:
Your lovely lady has done more than anyone on this forum to help the women and children in Puerto Vallarta..
Your Mother bless her.... helped start the Bucerias Library did she not :?: plus your family has given to the needy in Mexico in many other ways..
I don't always agree with all of your ways but I do say this ..
Sad day if you were not posting on the PV forums..
I for one do appreciate the many good posts you make.. I forgive you for the ones you screw up..LOL
Your Mom..?
A v. good post brought from another board... :) Maria and the kids...
- ... neras.html

and...forgot.... :) You Mom's Cookbook
I still would love to get a copy

and...thisisthis I agree :) ...btw your username?...interesting?
PV Beachbum

Joined: 02 Mar 2010
Posts: 9

bottom line is that nobody should have to endure this when they go out to what they thought was one of their favorite seafood restaurants in vallarta. and we shouldn´t even have to take our time from our dinner to inform management that we are being annoyed. tino´s just should not allow them there. period.

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:22 pm

Oh :shock: and the above...ALLL humble opinion...
catnhat :lol:

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:10 pm
by katnsocal
Bottomline Sylvia, NO ONE ever said that anyone SHOULD have to be bothered by a timeshare person while they were eating. So why you are inferring that the bottom line is someone thinks they should is beyond me.


My name is not captain's first mate nor did you state where the post originated from. I stand by what I said to you in the first place. What was the point of taking one response out of a thread of many and dropping it into another forum where no one knows what the text of the conversation even is? You have a habit of doing that and "screwing up once in a while" like Sylvia forgives you for is one thing, making a habit of trying to stir a pot is another. As you have noted I am perfectly capable of posting on the AV forum so if I wanted to take the discussion over there with what "MY comments" were I would have posted it over there in a manner that at least would have made sense, NOT just one blurb of an entire conversation.

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2010 7:28 pm
by chico98
the signature at the bottom of your post has a link thats opens to this site
didn't say it was your name
it was a signature

so i goofed up

at times i forget
what is right or wrong
so remind me
