10 weeks or 70 days till PV

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10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by jamesw » Sat Aug 14, 2004 9:32 pm

Today August 14th, and only 10 weeks or 70 days before I pack my bags, quit my job and take an early retirement in PV
The place is rented for 6 months, no Canadian Winter for me this year. While my family and friends are toughing it out at -30C, the only ice will be in my drink laying on the beach at +30C. I have been planning this for over a year, and am finally in the last stages of making my dream come true. Hope to see some of you around the beach or in town.

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Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by matt » Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:40 am

Hi EarlyRetire,
The wintertime weather is wonderful in PV. Just don't make enemies with your friends back in Canada: you will need someone to visit during the sweltering heat of PV summers :-)

If you don't speak much Spanish, I would recommend that you take lessons: either at home or in PV. There are a lot of English-speaking people in PV and one could survive without any Spanish knowledge, whatsoever. However, without Spanish, its going to be frustrating at times and you will miss out on knowing many of the non-English speaking locals. One of the finest families that I have ever known live in PV and they speak very little English.

Good luck in your PV retirement. (and don't forget to make those sympathetic calls to your Canadian friends when it's -30C. It will just warm their little hearts when they know you are not having to suffer along with them :-) )

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Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by jamesw » Sun Aug 15, 2004 3:41 pm

Thank you for your words of encouragement. I have a basic understanding of conversational Spanish. I speak both English and French fluently and will draw on my knowledge of French to get along. Being a Latin language itself gives me one up on Spanish.
I will not forget to call home, and offer words of encouragement, hopefully I will be able to convince a few to come down for a week or two and visit. This is a big step for me, both in fear of the unknown and the anticipation of a great time. But as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained. I am sure that I am making the right choices, my motto has always been, "Plan for tomorrow, but Live for today.

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Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by smitty » Sun Aug 15, 2004 6:06 pm

I would also like to wish you congratulations and good fortune on your new adventure.

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Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by sky_in_pv_1976 » Tue Aug 17, 2004 12:49 pm

That is awesome. Congratulations! Sounds like a terrific retirement!!!

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Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by jamesw » Tue Aug 17, 2004 2:53 pm

Thanks so much everyone for the words of encouragement. It is much appreciated. The final last couple of months are going to be painful, can't wait for the new laid back, relaxed lifestyle. No more rat-race, no more bosses, no more snow, no more trafic jams, except maybe in the Cervaza line LOL. Thanks again everyone.


Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by linda_canuck » Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:25 pm

I'm so jealous!! I won't be back until 2005 and no early retirement for me...I wish! However, Great planning on your part don't you just love PV!


Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by linda_canuck » Thu Aug 19, 2004 7:26 pm

I'm so jealous!! I won't be back until 2005 and no early retirement for me...I wish! However, Great planning on your part don't you just love PV!

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Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by pat » Wed Aug 25, 2004 1:38 am

Congratulations James. Enjoy your retirement in PV. We hope to join you in about 4 years! I am sooooo jealous!

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Re:10 weeks or 70 days till PV

Post by jamesw » Wed Aug 25, 2004 5:58 pm

Thanks Pat

It is going to be kinda funny being there as a resident rather than a tourist. But then again, somebody's gotta do it, it might as well be me.!! Sigh...LOL :)
