The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

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The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by connor » Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:34 pm

Prediction time for the Grey Cup. To all of our American friends, no disrespect intended here. This is Canada's equivalent to the Super Bowl. Not as extravegant, and of course we won't have Justin pulling at Janets top either. Maybe our halftime show will have William Shatner pulling at Celine Dions top. Yuk. I believe the halftime entertainment is Shania Twain and Pamela Anderson in a mud wrestling exhibition.
On to the game. The B.C. lions are going to destroy the Toronto ( Centre of the Universe ) Argonauts by a score of 38-17.

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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by connor » Fri Nov 19, 2004 6:43 pm

Hey Smitty. Ready to watch your Arrrrgooos go down? They will go down just as the Leafs always do come playoff time.

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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by smitty » Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:20 pm

Definitely, I'm thinking the Argos will win - a very close call - lets say 21- 17- for the Boatmen. Also happy to see my old stomping grounds (Ottawa) hosting the big game - they will put on a good show. As much as I will enjoy this matchup, it would've been really fun to see Ottawa vs Saskatchewan (poor Paul McCallum- Sask. kicker missed an easy overtime kick to win and BC went on to victory) Just hope it's a close game and the Argos give the Lions a spanking they will never forget !


Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by davey » Sat Nov 20, 2004 2:27 pm

Good to see the CFL on the rise again..I think it's a good game actually...and now that our beloved hockey is off the air, it makes the big game that much better...

the reason toronto is the centre of the universe is that, well, it kinda is...without the money coming in and out of toronto we might just as well fold up this country..

in all honesty, and this comes from a guy born and raised in montrreal, i think toronto is one of the most tolerant cities I've ever been in...that arrogance has faded with immigration...

the argos will win, but not by much..i say it's a 3 to 10 point victory

Tragically Hip at Halftime - waaaaaaaay cooler than the crap the americans put on..

chris p

Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by chris p » Sat Nov 20, 2004 4:23 pm


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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by ellen » Sat Nov 20, 2004 6:35 pm

Davey is right! Toronto is the centre of the universe. Just admit it and move on - and watch those Argos smoke the competition!


Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by Jennybean » Sat Nov 20, 2004 7:43 pm


"the reason toronto is the centre of the universe is that, well, it kinda is...without the money coming in and out of toronto we might just as well fold up this country.."

Maybe put that in a letter to those head offices of all the major Canadian corporations who picked up and moved west, where the money REALLY is. As well as the resources to keep your lights on and your gas guzzling SUV's on those achingly long freeways.

The real centre of the Cdn universe - Sales tax free, Debt free Alberta

Someone who prefers the NFL as well


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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by smitty » Sun Nov 21, 2004 10:27 pm

Better still, forget all the politics about who's best and enjoy a real piece of Canadiana. MM and all you Lions fans prepare to meet your doom ! Pinball and his crew are ready to battle, may the best team (Argos) be victorious ! And to all who celebrate the game, cheers !

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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by connor » Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:07 am

Hey Smitty. This is our game. The C.F.L. Have a great day. Next year it is in Vancouver. We will be there along with 60,000 other fanatics. Go Lions Go.

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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by connor » Mon Nov 22, 2004 5:15 am

NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Damn the centre of the uinverse. At least i still have the Maple Leafs to hate.

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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by smitty » Mon Nov 22, 2004 8:47 am

I'm sure BC will be an excellent host next year- you are going to have a good time.

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Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by connor » Mon Nov 22, 2004 12:55 pm

You are a gracious winner Smitty. Much better than i am in defeat. Have a great day. Bryan.


Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by davey » Wed Nov 24, 2004 2:16 am

Smitty (Nov 21, 2004 05:27 p.m.):
Better still, forget all the politics about who's best and enjoy a real piece of Canadiana. MM and all you Lions fans prepare to meet your doom ! Pinball and his crew are ready to battle, may the best team (Argos) be victorious ! And to all who celebrate the game, cheers !
yikes, any place that votes ralph klein in four straight terms and thinks its has the market on the univesrse better take a check on reality. How that drunk gets in term afetr term is frightening...

and the argos kicked the lions a$$


Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by Jennybean » Wed Nov 24, 2004 3:21 am

davey (Nov 23, 2004 09:16 p.m.):

yikes, any place that votes ralph klein in four straight terms and thinks its has the market on the univesrse better take a check on reality. How that drunk gets in term afetr term is frightening...
You mean, kinda like how the Liberal govt can divert $250million of your tax money and you still vote them into office? Or is it more like that time your premier tells you he won't up your taxes if you elect him? Oh wait, that's right - the Honourable Dalton "No Tax Hikes" McGuinty already has! Well, you run off and enjoy that now...I'll go back to counting the money in the Heritage Fund and waiting for my next tax break. LOL

Klein may be a drunk but he's a drunk who can spell. Bottoms up! (-:

Anyway - kudos to Damon Allen (don't care about the rest of them). Nice to see a 41 year old QB with a bum leg get a Grey Cup ring for his retirement gift. Now if we can only get him into the Pro Football Hall of Fame (as professional football's all time leading passer from the scrimmage, and that's ALL leagues, he totally deserves to be there).


Re:The Grey Cup ( Real Football, not the N.F.L. )

Post by davey » Sat Nov 27, 2004 10:24 pm

I think all you need to know about Klein is that one night he walked into a homeless shelter wasted and threw change from his pocket at people.

I'll take the tax hike if it brings a more sympathetic attitude for the people who the Klein people forget about.

A friend who just moved to Calgary says it's like living in the southern united states.

You get all the redneck spirit, but none of the good weather.
