Night of the Iguana

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Night of the Iguana

Post by rossk » Wed May 10, 2006 7:53 pm

A heads-up to all that this movie has finally been released on DVD. I received mine 2 days after release, last week, from Amazon for 14.95.

It's an interesting watch to me primarily for the location, the story and acting being a bit offbeat. It's in black and white, though the special features are in color, and are actually more enjoyable in some ways than the movie itself.

If anyone's seen this movie, can someone tell me what's up with those beach boys with the maracas? That whole bit struck me as bizarre, must be some sort of 60's notion of hipness. It was almost Monty Python-esque when those 2 would keep popping up, dancing and shaking those things oo-|

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Post by webmaster » Fri May 12, 2006 11:23 pm

Is it like the guys that constantly appear playing music in "There's Something About Mary" by the Farrelly Bros.? I should actually find the film and see it...


