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What A Snow !!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 12:50 pm
by marcos
Hola from Snowed-in Cincinnati!

We had at least 12" of snow (if not 16") from yesterday at about noon until this morning. And they expect another 3 - 5 inches by this afternoon.

Since we usually get about 6" per year, the heavy snowfall is really causing problems. There's a Level-3 'snow emergency' in effect ... you can get a ticket if you are out on the road ... so I'm not going anywhere.

Only 20 days and a wake-up till we leave for PV!

Re:What A Snow !!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 1:18 pm
by smitty
Wow Marcos, that is impressive, guess its going to be a white Christmas . Here in Toronto we are getting a pretty good snowfall but nowhere what you are experiencing. I feel bad for everyone that is supposed to be flying anywhere today - should be some major airline delays. Hope you enjoy your upcoming trip (like you won't) :) .

Re:What A Snow !!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:32 pm
by kmasp430
Better there than here, I am loving our brown Christmas here in the Twin Cities, MN, just can't stand these below 0 temps!

Re:What A Snow !!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:19 pm
by chuck
Sorry for you, but we dodged the snow bullett. Here in St.Louis we were to get some of that, around 6-8 inches, our actual total here 0 not even flurries. We are leaving for Tulum Jan 5 and I can bet you we will have snsow and ice the night before, just like the last 4 winter trips we've been on.

Re:What A Snow !!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 6:19 am
by connor
Lets see out the window. I can see the local mountains frome here, yep there is some snow up in the mountains were it belongs. Tomorrows weather is for sunshine and 7 celcius or 44 farhenheit. Living in Vancouver does have its advantages.

Re:What A Snow !!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 12:37 pm
by marcos
Hey Margarita Man ...

I used to live in Seattle so I know what you mean. FYI, we had 9 inches at the airport so that was the official amount of snow. But we live NW of Cincinnati and we received about 14 inches.

Lots of folks were stranded at the airport. And lots of folks, I'm sure, never made it in. Cincinnati is a Delta hub so I know that people traveling thru here to make a connection were really hosed! The airport was shut down yesterday for about 6 hours.

But, thankfully, everything will be close to normal today.

Merry Christmas everyone ... 19 days and a wake-up to beautiful PV !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Re:What A Snow !!!!

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2004 2:49 pm
by budweiser
24 Hours and I will be awakened in PV....of course a nice rip down the slopes at Whistler would not be all that bad the 80 degree temperature difference is to attractive, besides that is what I promised the wife for her Christmas present...A fish Taco...oh the look..Merry Christmas all!