best place to get a tattoo

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Re:best place to get a tattoo

Post by smitty » Mon Feb 02, 2004 8:44 pm

Previous poster raises a good point about sunburns, another issue is chlorine (swimming pools,hot tubs)


Re:best place to get a tattoo

Post by Jennybean » Wed Feb 04, 2004 9:37 pm

Good lord, whomever thought this topic would bring me first and last post on this subject or any other here...

1. I have had a tattoo done in PV. At a safe, reputable, LICENSED shop that was cleaner than any establishment I had been into in either Canada or the US. So those folks trying to drum up fear mongering can just back away now please, because your voices are drowning out reason and logic. If you have stats to back up your claims, prove it and post them...otherwise, you're distorting the issue.

Many artists in Mexico have worked for years to bring licensing standards into play, and many have succeeded, especially in the resort areas such as Vallarta. The stereotypical "let's get drunk and get a tattoo in Mexico" mindset is really outdated and very harmful. So just like anywhere else in the world, if you walk into a tattoo parlor and DON'T see a license of any kind, or equipment for hygenic cleaning of instruments (ie: an autoclave), or the shop just does not meet your cleanliness standards, walk back out. Boy, that was simple enough, wasn't it naysayers?

2. The artwork was impeccable, the artist very professional and first rate, and the tattoo was MUCH less expensive than home - to the tune of almost $100 difference.

3. For those that think it's impossible for people to contract disease in the US or Canada from unsterile tattoo needles, or because they have better overall hygenic practice, maybe you need to call Pamela Anderson and ask her if she agrees with you.

I researched everything before I went, from licensing to cleanliness to prices - almost 2 years worth of researching to be exact. I was not disappointed. If you intend to get a tattoo in PV, the two shops I would recommend are Rasta Tattoo or Tattoo Sixty Nine. Both do very good work, both have licensed tattoo artists, and both are extremely clean and sanitary (read: autoclaves, gloves, antiseptic). The gentleman who did my work studied in Europe with one of the foremost tattoo artists in Canada.

Getting a tattoo done anywhere is a very personal choice. If you have made the choice to get one, then make sure you ask questions, and listen to what the artist tells you about maintenance of the artwork and keeping it clean. I have never regretted my decision to get my tattoo done in PV 4 years ago, and I'm still healthy as a horse - no AIDS, no hep, no anything (I am a regular blood donor and get screenings frequently because of that), so I think a lot of the hype quoted is just that...hype.

slippery pete

Re:best place to get a tattoo

Post by slippery pete » Wed Feb 04, 2004 10:21 pm

FINALLY, someone with their head screwed on. Jellybean i love you


Re:best place to get a tattoo

Post by scrubjay333 » Sun Feb 08, 2004 7:40 pm

Jennybean makes some very good points as do others here.
The most disappointing thing Ive seen here so far, though, is the issue of money. This is something very personal that you will be living with for the rest of your life. Saving a hundred bucks by getting it done hundreds or maybe thousands of miles from where you live, is not worth it in my mind and should not even be a consideration.
There are fantasic tattoo artists to be found (through diligent research) in any major city in the world. I would much rather be able to haunt a local tattoo parlour, chat it up and check out the quality of the tats of people coming out of there. That and close proximity for future touch-ups or complications, make the extra 100 bucks well worth the money.
Also, if its the novelty of getting it done in Mexico that appeals to you, the issues raised about sun and chlorine are very valid. Why get it done there if half the point of being in Mexico (speaking for myself here) is to enjoy the elements; the very things you need to avoid immediately after getting a tattoo?
Anyway, good luck with whatever you decide.


Re:best place to get a tattoo

Post by mortomozoid » Tue Feb 10, 2004 8:39 pm

thank you jennybean and slippery pete for your help, and to some of the rest of you let me explain that i know all about certain sanitary problems that could occur, but thanx for your concern, and to mr. canada-edmonton i am not an american, i am a canadian but consider myself a soveriegn citizen of planet earth, and i love america and americans and i love mexico and mexicans, but iget really tird of this idiotic canadian sense of superiority considering canada is aone party oligarchic corporate state run by aself proclaimed elite who are in fact nothing but abunch of thieves who could teach the mafia afew lessons, anyhow i have no fear of getting a tattoo in pv but i think i'll get on my second last day. gracias and adios!


Re:best place to get a tattoo

Post by sol_donkey » Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:18 pm

I had a cover up tattoo done at "Las vegas" parlour in old/south Pv, it is exactly a design which I wanted and the artist done a wonderful job. I waited until my 2nd last day before returning home, although I am not a swimmer, I still enjoy the sun etc. I had no problems what so ever and look forward to having my next tattoo done by "Ivan" again this march. My son also had a tat. done again with absolutely no problems. When i inquired at our home city about what I wanted they informed me it would take at least 4 hours to complete with a hefty price. I got exactly what I wanted completed in 11/2 hours and a better price. It doesn't matter where you go there may be risks involved, but it is up to an individual to inquire and observe for themselves.


Re:best place to get a tattoo

Post by john » Fri Mar 05, 2004 4:52 pm

Manuel_Noriega (Feb 01, 2004 09:53 a.m.):
mortomozoid (Jan 25, 2004 02:56 p.m.):
last year i checked out a tattoo parlour just north of the malecon and this year i'm seriously considering getting a holiday tattoo so i would appreciate any info on parlours, workmanship and value. thanx.
gat a tattoo on your bum of the beach with some blue chairs at the end of one cheek
Some people make good points. If you decide to get a tat make sure it is at the end of your vacation. Also make sure you do not drink heavily the night before. This will thin your blood and is not a good thing. Also and most imprtant MAKE SURE YOU WATCH HIM BREAK A SEALED NEEDLE IN FRONT OF YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE CAREFUL AND GOOD LUCK
