Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
Irc Jargon\shorthand Compiled 12 May 1998
When you're on IRC, you will notice that people use their own jargon and/or shorthand.
I would appreciate it, if you email webmaster at whatever IRC Jargons/Shorthands that you know.
My thanks to Patrick Hyde, Kim Letrich, PJ, The goat, Ryck Zarick, Catherine Lee, Temahe, Bogie, Seiner,
M.Stauffacher, D.Cunningham, Whisper, Chris, QMax, RickyC, FoxFire, Brian Hippel, Dallas, { Dove},
Kathy, The Call, Oliver-Velez, Lindsay, Becky and others who emailed me with their own suggestions.
AAMOF = As A Matter Of Fact
ADN = Any Day Now
AFAIK = And For All I Know
AFAIK = As Far As I Know
AFK = Away From Keyboard
ANY1 = Anyone
ADDY = Address
AWGAD = And Who Gives A Darn
AWGTHTGTTA = Are We Going To Have To Go Through This Again?
BAC = By Any Chance
BAG = Busting A Gut (Laughing)
BBFN = Bye Bye For Now
BBIAB =Be Back In A Bit
BBL = Be Back Later
BCNU = Be Seeing You
BG = Big grin
BEWG = Big Evil Wicked Grin
BRB = Be Right Back
BK = Because
BTW = By The Way
BTDT = Been There, Done That
BTA = But Then Again
BWG = Big Wide Grin
BYKT = But You Knew That
B4 = Before
B/C = Because
C = See
CU = See You
CUL = See You Later
CUL8er = See You Later
CUL8R = See You Later
CMIIW = Correct Me If I'm Wrong
CRS = Can't Remember Sh*t
CYA = Cover Your A**
CYA = See You
DIIK = Damned If I Know
DQOTD = Dumb Question of the Day
DTRT = Do The Right Thing
EOD = End Of Discussion
EOF = End of File
ESOSL = Endless Snorts of Stupid Laughter
F = Female
FAQ = Frequently Asked Questions
FYEO = For Your Eyes Only
FYI = For Your Information
FU! = F**K You
FWIW = For What Its Worth
<G> = Grin
GR8 = Great
GGP = Gotta Go Pottie
GGN = Gotta Go Now
GMV = Got My Vote
GMTA = Great Minds Think Alike
GO PRI = Send Private Msg\Mail
GOK = God Only Knows
GTG = Got To Go
H/A = Hi All
HHTY = Happy Holidays to You
IAC = In Any Case
IC = I see
ICU = I see you ....
ICU2 = I see you too
ICBW = I Could Be Wrong
ICOCBW = I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong
ILY = I Love You
IMAO = Laughing My A... Off
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IMV = In My View
IOW = In Other Words
IYSWIM = If you see what I mean
J\K = Just Kidding
JOOC = Just out of Curiosity
K = OK
KHYF = Know How You Feel
KEWL = Cool, Fantastic
KISS = Keep It Simple Stupid
<L> = Laugh
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LOL = Lost Of Love
LTNS = Long Time No See
LTNT = Long Time, No Type
L8TR = Later (as in see ya later)
L8R = Later (as in see ya later) (Same as L8TR)
LMAO = Laughing My A.. Off
M = Male
M/F = Male or Female
M8 = Mate
ME2 = Me too
MORF = Male Or Female
MPOV = My Point Of View
NBL = Not Bloody Likely
NE1 = Anyone
NE = Any
NOYB = None Of Your Business
NP = No Problem
NRN = No Reply Necessary
NTYMI = Now That You Mention It
ODAT = One Day At a Time
OIC = OH, I See
OMG = OH, My God
OAS = On Another Subject
OTOH = On The Other Hand
PPL = People
PEEPS = People
PITA = Pain In The A**
POV = Point Of View
PMETC = Pardon Me Etc
QL = Cool
QEWL = Cool
R = Are
RE = Returned, back
REHI = Hi again
ROFL = Rolling on the floor laughing
ROFLMAO = Rolling On Floor Laughing My A.. Off
ROFLPMP = Rolling On Floor Laughing Pis... My Pants
ROTFLPIMK = Rolling On The Floor Pis... In My Kilt
RSN = Real Soon Now
RL = Real Life
RTDM = Read The Damn Manual
RTFM = Read that F...ed Manual
RTFS = Read That F...ed Source
SAH = Stay At Home
<S> = Smile
SOL = You are Alone or Nobody Can Help You
SOP = Standing Operational Proceedures
STR8 = Straight
SUP = What's Up
S/U = Shut Up
SYS = See You Soon
SYS = System
T = Tea
TAFN = Thats all for Now
TCFW = Too Cute For Words
TDM = Too Damn Many
TFT = Thanks for That
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TMI = Too Much Information
TXS = Thanks
THX = Thanks
TY = Thank You
TTBOMK = To The Best Of My Knowledge
TTFN = Ta Ta For Now
TTYL = Talk to you later
TYT = Take Your Time
TYVM = Thank You Very Much
U = You
UR = You are (or) Your
V = Victory
VFY = Voted For You
VIC = Vicinity
WAW = Why Ask Why?
WB = Welcome Back
W/B = Welcome Back (Same as WB)
/W = With
/WO = With out
W/F = Where From
What's^ = What's Up
W8 = Wait
WILTY = Would I Lie To You?
Oops I know nothing starting with X
but if you know email webmaster @
YABA = Yet Another Bloody Acronym
YMBK = You Must Be Kidding
YMBJ = You Must Be Joking
YAP = Yet Another Ploy
YGLT = You're Gonna Love This
YHTBT = You Had To Be There
Oops I know nothing starting with X
but if you know email webmaster @
2 = To, Too or Two
4 = For or Four
4U = For You
8 = Ate or Eight
10Q = Thank You
10x = Thanks
10x*e3 = 1000 Times Thanks
If you know anything else webmaster @
==============THE END============
Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
Moderators:admin, Moderators
Last edited by webmaster on Thu May 22, 2008 9:01 pm, edited 3 times in total.
- PV Fan
- Posts:21
- Joined:Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:20 am
Re:Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
I really like that you added this reference so that all of us can understand what is being said on the posts
Thanks Mogens
Thanks Mogens
Re:Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
Criminy...I consider myself pretty hip to most chat lingo...have not heard of (or seen) many of these!! It gives me a headache. LOL
My husband won't get my a lisence plate that says LOL GAL
My husband won't get my a lisence plate that says LOL GAL
Re:Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
(I would see DH often times in posts and had no clue what it meant, so I looked it up today, and found the rest of the following.)
DH= Dear Husband
DW=Dear Wife
DD= Dear Daughter
DS= Dear Son
DB= Dear Boyfriend
DG=Dear Girlfriend
DF= Dear Fiance
SIL= Sister in Law
BIL= Brother in Law
MIL= Mother in Law
FIL=Father in Law
DIL=Daughter in Law
SNL= Son in Law (Not Saturday Night Live)
as well...ZZZZZZ or zzzzzzz (or whatever multiples of "Z's" used =means I am bored, board of the topic, or asleep or going to sleep)
{{H}} = hugs! (or similar- ((H)) )
MYOB= Mind your own business
143= I Love You
DH= Dear Husband
DW=Dear Wife
DD= Dear Daughter
DS= Dear Son
DB= Dear Boyfriend
DG=Dear Girlfriend
DF= Dear Fiance
SIL= Sister in Law
BIL= Brother in Law
MIL= Mother in Law
FIL=Father in Law
DIL=Daughter in Law
SNL= Son in Law (Not Saturday Night Live)
as well...ZZZZZZ or zzzzzzz (or whatever multiples of "Z's" used =means I am bored, board of the topic, or asleep or going to sleep)
{{H}} = hugs! (or similar- ((H)) )
MYOB= Mind your own business
143= I Love You
Re:Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
TFT but there are TDM abbreviations and they are a PITA to remember. BCNU.
Re:Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
Hahaha, now I have a headache too... your fault MM= munchkin man
Kind regards
Kind regards
Re:Abbreviations & Jargon Glossary
Mogens (Oct 18, 2004 03:57 p.m.):
Hahaha, now I have a headache too... your fault MM= munchkin man
Kind regards
ROTFLPIMK. I am ascottish you know. munchkin man? thanks Mogens. just another name for Jen to call me now.