Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

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Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

Post by matt » Thu Jul 22, 2004 5:18 am

Alright! Now is my chance to plug my favorite charitable cause in PV: the "Refugio Infantil Santa Esperanza" ( ). This children's refuge, which is run by Catholic nuns, receives very little money from the Mexican government. Most of the operating costs are paid through donations from organizations and people such as ourselves.

When I am living in PV, I usually stop by there every couple of weeks to see what they need in the way of food and suppiles. I then go to the Sam's Club, in PV, and load up the car. There is a generous Canadian couple, Larry and Sharon, who have set up a means of converting your PayPal contribution into food for the kids, as well. So, you can donate a little something from your home of office. Their website is at: I have also used their website to make donations.

Even if you are not quite in the donating spirit, if you are interested: write down the address of the Refugio and make a visit there on your trip to PV. Admittedly, it's not a trip for everyone. For some, it could be a little depressing, until they realize that these children are living in safety, receiving healthy meals and going to school everyday. It's an infinitely better life (and future) than what they would otherwise have. Also, don't worry if you don't speak Spanish. The children only speak a few basic English words, but they are always excited to have visitors. It's guaranteed that you will be the center of attention for kids!


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Re:Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

Post by matt » Thu Jul 22, 2004 5:55 am

Every year in PV, usually in February, there is a very nice fundraiser for the Refugio. It is held a place called Casa Isabel. There are lots of people to meet and the excellent hors d'oeuvres (had to look that up in a dictionary) make it worth the price of admission alone. I don't know any details about the year 2005 plans, but you can do a little investigating by doing a Google search on the keywords "casa isabel vallarta fundraiser"

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Re:Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

Post by matt » Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:11 pm

Here is a way to make donations to the PV children's refuge that are tax deductible in the U.S.:

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Re:Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

Post by ellenl » Thu Nov 11, 2004 3:38 am

Do you know if they would be interested in good quality used children's clothing. I was thinking I could fill my suitcases with my daughter's outgrown clothes, then have room for souvenirs on the way home. If not them, any other organization? Also, do you have any contacts with elementary schools? I am a teacher and thought it would be fun to have a pen-pal classroom. Any ideas? Thanks, Ellen


Re:Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

Post by bzy1inpv » Thu Nov 11, 2004 5:41 am

Hi Ellen,
I go to Refugio a few times a month, either to drop off donations or to bring them food I buy from monitary donations. In fact, I was there on Sunday with a visitor who did what you are asking, and I went to pick up a shopping list from the Madres so I can bring them what they need next week.

Refugio, of all the charities is one of the "better off" as they receive a lot of press, have a lot of fund raisers and have a lot of support from the ex-pat community.

Casa Hogar, near the airport is not nearly as supported and can really use donations of just about anything, as well as "The Children of the Dump." ... f_the_dump which is probably the most needy of charities and people of Vallarta.

So yes, your items will go to great use in any of the above mentioned...

As far as schools, there are many, and in varying degrees of need. The neediest of schools may not have a person or the funds to do a pen pal classroom, but an option worth looking into. Most of the poorer schools do not have an English class or teacher to be able to do a pen pal classroom, but I bet you could tour a school and do a photo tour and explanation to your students. ( An excellent way to remind young minds that they have a gold mine compared to other children in the world)

I have many people who bring school supplies to me for distribution as well as other items....or they bring "school packs" and ask a taxi driver to drive them out to a rural elementary school and drop them off personally. The International Friendship Club also accepts donations, as well as the Becas Foundation. The local English newspapers have a Charities list and info as well as phone numbers to you can always peruse them and see what one fits the bill best for you.

In advance, thank you for giving back to the community where you enjoyed your vacation. People like you help to make Vallarta a very special place.

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Re:Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

Post by ellenl » Fri Nov 12, 2004 4:30 am

Thanks for the great info. I just bagged up some clothes, books, and small toys to add to my suitcases. I will look forward to seeing them put to good use.

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Re:Children's Refuge in Puerto Vallarta

Post by matt » Fri Nov 12, 2004 11:04 pm

Great work Ellen! Brenda beat me to the reply on your question, but her answers are always a lot better than mine :-)

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Post by winterpegman » Thu Nov 03, 2005 7:54 am

Just something to keep in mind as we approach high season. RISE still exists, and will welcome any and all donations.

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Post by flyawayplus4 » Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:29 pm

Matt's post a year or more ago on another board about a little boy named Angelito touched many people.
The little boy never left our minds. A trip to PV was planned. We planned to spend a lot of time with Jim and Lauire . One day Jim Laurie and I discoverd we all had the same desire to go to the Orphanage and meet Angel and the other children. Little did we know this was to be the hi light of our vacation.
Many people from Canada and the States contribute time money and gifts to the Orphanages and other needy places in PV. We admired these people and we always enjoyed reading about the children and we too wanted to be a part of the giving .
I think a big thumbs up has to be given to the lady who gives her time and cooks for the Orphanage. The lady in the laundry . The people behind the scenes who give hours of their time.
The children were all precious. One wants to hold their hands and take them all home. :)
I guess that is not a realistic thought so maybe we each can do just a little to help make a child's life a little better. I came away from the Orphanage knowing I do not do enough .

Matt's story speaks for itself. I hope you do not mind me copying it here. (Thanks for posting the original post) The children reached out to take love but they returned the love eagerly. I took! :)
The pictures below show Angel and his Nerf ball from Jim and Laurie.
Angel was not shy and he had the same mischievous gleam in his eyes I saw many times in my 3 sons eyes. I loved that gleam. :D
Jim and Lauire thanks .
Matt's story
Yesterday, I decided to check out the new Soriana store in PV. It was very modern and they had an excellent presentation of fruits and vegetables in the grocery section. While walking around, I passed through the sporting goods section of the store and spotted a nice, sturdy set of soccer goals designed for small kids. The price was right so I bought them, along with a small selection of soccer balls for the kids at the Orphanage.

When I arrived at the Orphanage, the Indianapolis-based "Compassion 4 Kids" group were there along with their own kids. (Note that the group generously donated $1,500 USD to purchase a new big stove for the Orphanage kitchen). Upon seeing the new soccer equipment, a nice game of soccer commenced amongst the older children of the Orphanage and the "Compassion" Kids. The most exciting thing, however, is what happened on the sidelines.

There is a 2 year-old boy at the Orphanage who has suffered a series of physical abuses during his sort lifetime. The little boys name is Angelito and the abuser was the boyfriend of his mother. As a result, Angelito is very scared of grown men. When I first approached him a few weeks ago, he immediately turned his head away from me and stared at the wall. When I touched his shoulder, he immediately burst into tears. I know almost nothing about psychology, but I figured it would take time to slowly gain his confidence.

So, everytime I visited the Orphanage in the ensuing weeks, I made a special attempt to say "Hello" to Angelito and ask him how he was doing. His reply was always a silent, scared stare. If I ever tried to move into his "space", he would turn his head and stare at the wall.

Yesterday, something changed. Little Angelito quickly latched onto one of the soccer balls as his own. Of course, it was one of the largest ones. (Why does it seem that the smallest kids always want the biggest toys?) He carried the ball around with him everywhere he went. After watching the bigger kids play, he started immitating their play and correctly kicking the ball around the Orphanage courtyard without touching it with his hands. It was quite impressive to see such a small child with such coordination and ball control.

But what was the exciting thing? The exciting thing occurred when one of the 4 year-old boys took the soccer ball away from Angelito. Of the dozens of people at the Orphanage, Angelito chose to approach me for help in getting the ball back. He walked up and told me the details about the "soccer ball theft" that had transpired. Somehow, I had magically gained his confidence. Later that evening, Angelito even let me feed him part of his dinner. (He does prefer to feed himself, however).

So, time will tell if this "new friendship" lasts, or if Angelito will revert to his frightened behavior with me. Here's hoping for the best!
This is about the Kids !!!!

I would like to learn more about the children of the dump.
Children live in the dump. They sleep eat and play there and you know what I was scared to go there for just a visit . Something is not right with that.

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Children In Need

Post by smitty » Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:07 pm

Sylvia , Matt and Brenda all tell the story better than I ever could . All I know is that we have the power to make such a positive difference in these childrens lives. Most of these kids have nothing and a very bleak future . They come from economic and social conditions that are horrific . Just think if you passed one nice evening out on to the kids - not so hard to do :) A few $'s to the orphanage would go a long way - just think of the good karma ! :)

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Post by flyawayplus4 » Mon Nov 28, 2005 4:03 am

I have started a blog. I prefer to call it a scrapbook.
The blog is for 3 children we met at the Orphanage in Puerto Vallarta this past Oct.
Most of us have a shoe box or album or a scrapbook with pictures and stories about us in it as a child.
My thought was to make a scrapbook for a few of the children and then one day before they turn 14 give it to them.
There are 39 children in the Orphanage right now.
We are doing a scrapbook for only 3.
If anyone is interested in doing a blog for some of the other children please mail me here.

For those that travel to PV or for those that live there I would love up dated pictures on the 3 children in our blog. I would like the blog to grow with the children.

I am new to blogging and learning by trial and error.
If you click on view my complete profile you will see the other blogs started.
http://catnhatangelandfriends.blogspot. ... angel.html

I do not wish to step on toes. If anyone feels I am not doing the right thing please let me know by mail. I am open for ideas. This will be an on going project though the years so lots of time.

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Th Refugio

Post by jimbobsonly » Sat Jun 17, 2006 12:14 am

last time we visited PV we took as many clothes for the older girls as would fit, the smaller children seem to get more attention, no I'm not saying thats wrong but please remember the older ones when visiting. , I cut out cute animal pictures, stickers, ( we all get stuff in the mail thats cute) save it, I also try to find lite weight things at the $l. store and garage sales, even old post cards of places in the US would make them smile.

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Post by Plus4 » Sat Jun 17, 2006 5:16 pm

I do agree that the smaller ones seem to get more attention.
When we visited the Orphange last fall the older children were in School so that is something to think about when planning a visit.
Maybe plan to visit on a weekend or later in the day when all of the children are home. :) I can hardly wait for my next visit and I will make sure that I pick a better time to go although feeding time with the babes was very special.
Jim and Laurie plan to visit the kids at the end of the year..
I look forward to their stories. :)

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children's orphanage

Post by lauthehut » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:19 pm

does anyone know is it better to just go visit and give money or is it better to actually bring clothes and things...
will be going in feb of 2007...

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Post by palapa_gal » Mon Jun 19, 2006 9:27 pm

Money is always good as is used clothes but so many people bring clothes with them and actually forget about the daily necessities that are need. Have you ever thought maybe before you go visit to stop off at Gigante or Mega and purchase diapers, baby wipes, toothbrushes, toothpaste, childrens chewable vitamins, band-aids, soap etc... Oh and if you want to be a big hit bring hot dogs. :D You could also phone before your visit and see what they need in the way of supplies and then go purchase what is really needed. Just thought I would throw some other suggestions out there.
