Help/info needed re transportation with two toddlers

Travel to and from: airfares, cruises, etc. + local transport: taxi, bus, etc.

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Re:Help/info needed re transportation with two toddlers

Post by Jennybean » Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:41 pm

No no, he can keep his job, I don't want it. Most of the time I want to throw my computer out the window, not a sign of a good computer person! LOL

But thanks for the complimenti! (-:

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Re:Help/info needed re transportation with two toddlers

Post by chuck » Sun Jul 31, 2005 12:20 am

My post may have been mis-interpreted. You see, as a parent who lost an infant child, I myself would be apprehensive about taking one along on a vacation. I have to agree with most of the other posts that PV is a very safe town, but sh_t can happen. Yes, it can happen anywhere, but think about it being in a foreign county. I can't imagine how I would live with myself if something bad would happen while on vacation. Even after the death of our daughter over 16 years ago, my wife still beats herself up, thinking that she could have done more. Just my thoughts, do what you feel like you have to or want to. I couldn't.

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Re:Help/info needed re transportation with two toddlers

Post by palapa_gal » Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:22 pm

I have a 5 year old daughter who I have taken to PV since she was 3 months old and have never used a car seat and I feel perfectly safe in not doing so down there. Now, I would never let her do that at home but down there that is just the way of life and it is one (2 in your case) thing I have to cart around. As for the water, yes for drinking we have bottled water but for brushing teeth I just use the tap water as most hotels have purified/filtered water and neither one of us has never gotten sick from it. Please do not hestitate on bringing your kids. Mexicans love kids. Everyday my daughter asks when we can go back.


Re:Help/info needed re transportation with two toddlers

Post by twinmom » Tue Aug 02, 2005 7:47 pm

Thanks again to all who have responded to me! I greatly appreciate it and the last post re the 3-month old was most reassuring!
Now I just have to see about the cost of the trip for 5 people! ACK!

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Re:Help/info needed re transportation with two toddlers

Post by marcos » Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:46 pm

Twinmom ... If you're REALLY worried, you could, of course, leave the twins at home with hubby and go to PV by yourself!


Re:Help/info needed re transportation with two toddlers

Post by twinmom » Tue Aug 02, 2005 9:08 pm

No, I can't leave them. Other than my husband, I have no one who can watch them so I'd have to go by myself and I'd worry about leaving my children, so either way, I am going to worry!
Thanks though!
