Teatro Vallarta Presents ‘Quetzalcoatl, The Legend’

Teatro Vallarta presents the critically acclaimed stage production ‘Quetzalcoatl, The Legend’, on March, 22 and 23 at 8:00 pm.

After being retaken by Arte y Folclor, Mexico by Aranza Zu Lopez, 15-minute stage production for Puebla’s International Folklore Festival 2016: Danza Sin Fronteras; its resounding success in several festivals, private events and government presentations across central Europe, placing second in the Cheonan World Dance Festival 2018 in South Korea, Teatro Vallarta is proud to present the play ‘Quetzalcoatl, The Legend.’

Quetzalcoatl was one of the principal deities of the pre-Hispanic civilizations, present in almost all of Mesoamerica (Central America) during the XV century, its origin is shrouded in mystery and it is considered by several historians as a legend that marks Mexico’sm syncretism.

Today, ‘Quetzalcoatl, The Legend’ has cemented itself as the company’s magnum opus, and it begins a year of national and international tours. The stage production, which lasts around 1 hour and 30 minutes with a 15-minute intermission, narrates the creation of the world from the Aztec’s cosmic point of view, right until the arrival of Hernan Cortes, who they confuse as the return of Quetzalcoatl.

In a show completely told by dance in five scenes and with the participation of over 50 artists and singer Fabiola Jaramillo ‘The Mexican,’ in a multimedia bonanza. The production includes classic ballet, jazz, contemporary dance, circus art, dramatic art and of course, folklore dance at its core.

Surce: NotiVallarta (Spanish)

Last Updated on 18/03/2019 by Puerto Vallarta Net

Last Updated on 18/03/2019 by Puerto Vallarta Net