Puerto Vallarta advocates to erradicate the violence against women

The City of Puerto Vallarta, through the Municipal Woman’s Institute, and the System for the Integral Development of the Family (DIF), with the cooperation of local institutions and social educational centers, were part of a silent march on the Malecon and also organized an information fair to educate, inform and expand the awareness towards the problem among the local citizens.

Puerto Vallarta advocates to erradicate the violence against women

The current President of DIF in this municipality, Jennifer Serur, stressed that it is important to set a greater emphasis on the value ??and rights of all women as a fundamental pillar of the family, “today it is very important to ponder a moment and  reflect on the value and dignity of every human being, no one deserves to be treated with contempt, no one deserves to be in a situation of abuse or repression, much less become a victim of violence of any kind. “

Carrying signs with slogans supporting equality, respect, the value of women and their right to a life free of violence, they began the march in which hundreds of people gathered, including students of all educational levels, representatives of several government agencies, officials, and many Vallartans, with white clothes and a purple ribbon symbolizing the struggle. The large number of participants proves that Puerto Vallarta is still working hard every day to eliminate this kind of violence.

Martha Patricia Rodriguez Montes, who currently heads the Women’s Institute, stressed that “violence against women is more than a blow, a kick, it is a complex social pathology, that literally needs to be addressed in all its areas, from the physical, emotional, sexual, economic, and other areas; violence against women is a problem of epidemic proportions and is perhaps the most common human rights violation today. It’s time for a final battle, a decisive effort, let our voices be heard and with the cause that unites us today, let’s prove once and for all that in the realm of violence against women, there is no space for tolerance, no acceptable excuses and let’s unite all our force, men and women alike, to fulfill this mission.”

The true importance of this mission is that it’s an issue not only in Puerto Vallarta, rather the whole world, and if you raise awareness among women and the rest of the population regarding respect of all human beings, many issues will be solved simultaneously, not only the specific issue of women.

These activities were led by the local government representatives Ana Carina Cibrian, Arelí Guerrero Flores, Gloria Palacios Ezequiel Ponce and Ricardo Uribe, Paula Celina Lomeli, the Head of the Municipal Women’s Institute, Deputy Director of Culture, Monica Venegas Sánchez, the coordinator of the UAVI Elizabeth Ruelas Carrillo, the Director of the Center for Youth Integration in Puerto Vallarta, Beatriz Barron and the representative of the New Life Center, Lorena Tirado Fuentes.

Last Updated on 16/09/2017 by Puerto Vallarta Net

Last Updated on 16/09/2017 by Puerto Vallarta Net