Announcing the 5th edition of the Mango Festival 2023

The 5th Mango Festival 2023 will take place next Saturday, July 15, organized by the Puerto Vallarta-Highland Park Sister Cities Committee. Its main objective is to raise funds to build a House of Culture in Los Llanitos, Ixtapa.

During a press conference, Paula Jimenez, president of the committee, announced the participation of 18 local restaurants in this edition, who will offer dishes and drinks highlighting mango as the main ingredient.

The event will take place at the Lázaro Cárdenas Park from 1:00 pm to 10:00 pm. In addition, prizes will be awarded for the best dish, drink and dessert made with mango.

The restaurants will donate a total of 120 dishes and the funds raised will go to the Casa de la Cultura. This project, which will include green areas, kitchenettes, restrooms and more, will be delivered to the committee tomorrow.

The estimated cost of this project is 4 million pesos, so fundraising events are being organized with the goal of laying the first stone in November or December of this year.


Last Updated on 09/07/2023 by Puerto Vallarta Net

Last Updated on 09/07/2023 by Puerto Vallarta Net