Puerto Vallarta will lead the long weekends in May: Sectur

In Puerto Vallarta, a large number of national travelers are expected to take advantage of the holiday period to visit the destination, which is characterized by its attractions such as the bay, the warm weather, a varied gastronomic offer and, above all, its beautiful beaches.

Likewise, tourists will also have the opportunity to visit the region’s theme parks, as well as the cultural and heritage offerings preserved by the city.

In addition, the destination offers its visitors a wide range of activities such as diving, camping, sport fishing, cycling, among others.

Puerto Vallarta also offers a wide range of lodging options, from hostels to luxury hotels.

Source: Jalisco.quadratin.com.mx

Last Updated on 26/04/2023 by Puerto Vallarta Net

Last Updated on 26/04/2023 by Puerto Vallarta Net