International Women’s Day Activities in Vallarta

Puerto Vallarta will carry out several activities within the framework of International Women’s Day from March 2 through March 8, 2020.

From March 2 – 8, activities will be held to commemorate Women’s Day, with conferences, awards, and other activities, where women and men from the region are invited to participate. The president of the municipal DIF stressed that it is a week designed for women and men to be part of the activities.

One of the activities of the week is “Zero Tolerance for Harassment in Public Transport”, which consists of a group of collaborators boarding the units to try to raise awareness about this aggression with information. On March 2 at 12:00 the conference “The Policy for Equality Between Women and Men” will be presented at the University Center of the Coast, by the teacher Muriel Araceli Salinas Díaz, according to official information.

Concluding the activities on March 8, at 8:00 a.m., International Women’s Day, with a Recreational Athletic Race at the Agustín Flores Contreras sports unit, it is recommended to wear comfortable clothes or sportswear.

All activities are free to the public.

Source: Vallarta Daily

Last Updated on 03/03/2020 by Puerto Vallarta Net

Last Updated on 03/03/2020 by Puerto Vallarta Net