City Sculptures Undergo Restoration

The IVC (Vallarta’s Institute of Culture) has been working over the past few months on restoring the city’s most recognized public art pieces.

With an investment of 300,000 pesos and after a diagnosis of the work to be done was made, specialists were contracted to rehabilitate ten of the city’s iconic sculptures. This is the first step of the public art renovation project, which will soon be extended to all the sculptures in Puerto Vallarta.

According to IVC Director Marina de los Santos Álvarez, at the beginning of the year Mayor Arturo Dávalos Peña instructed her to find specialists in the field, so she contacted sculptor Fernando Baños, who examined each of the art works to determine the amount of work required to restore each one to its former glory, and if relocating them would be necessary to keep them that way.

Since the sculpture restoration project began several months ago, a great deal of progress has been made on some sculptures, while others are completely finished.

Marina de los Santos said that the goal is to have 90% of Puerto Vallarta’s sculptural heritage restored within 2 years. There are 75 public sculptures in Puerto Vallarta so, to meet this goal, efforts will be redoubled in 2020 and 2021 to restore and catalog 20 sculptures each year.

Source: Banderas News

Last Updated on 05/11/2021 by Puerto Vallarta Net

Last Updated on 05/11/2021 by Puerto Vallarta Net